Capstone Experience Form

The Department of Biology cannot promise that a student will get her or his choice(s), but the faculty will try to accommodate student preferences whenever possible.

From the College catalog: “BIO 460. Junior Seminar. Reading original biological literature is an essential skill for biology majors. Focusing on the topics addressed by invited speakers for the semester’s biology seminar program, students review articles, write analyses, and contribute oral presentations in a small group format. Students attend afternoon and/or evening seminars and discuss the content, context, and presentation of original investigations.

Prerequisite(s): Biology 190 (formerly 101), 242, and 270. One of these courses may be taken concurrently, only by permission of the instructor. Enrollment limited to 20.”

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: This form and the supporting paragraphs are due by 2 PM, Wednesday, Feb 1st, 2012. Hand all paperwork in to Sylvia Deschaine at the Carnegie Reception Desk.