French and Francophone Studies, Fall 2013


Alex Dauge-Roth, associate professor of French and Francophone studies, leads a class. Photograph by Phyllis Graber Jensen/Bates College.

French is now the Department of French and Francophone Studies (FFS).

Our assistant for academic year 2013-14 is Gaëlle Nubul from Martinique. Kirk Read is going to officiate this coming as year as associate dean of the faculty and will be replaced by Meryem Belkaïd who works on detective fiction and North African literature.

All senior FFS majors should get in touch with the chair of the department, Alex Dauge-Roth, as soon as possible regarding their thesis plans — as well as with their thesis adviser if they plan to write their thesis in the fall.

Majors of the Class of 2013, please check Lyceum for relevant info and documents.

Learn more about French and Francophone Studies.