<%@ Language=VBScript%> <%Option Explicit%> <% Dim strCatalogName, m_strServerName strCatalogName = Request.QueryString("ct") m_strServerName = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") %> Bates College Search Results
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<% ' Search Results Section. %> <% Dim Q, RS, i, RN Dim RecordNumber, pagecount, DocTitle If Request("qu") <> "" Then If Request("RN") = "" Then RecordNumber=1 Else RecordNumber=Request("RN") End If ' Create the Query Object, and set properties for the search. set Q = Server.CreateObject("MSSearch.Query") Q.SetQueryFromURL(Request.QueryString) Q.SortBy = "rank[d]" Q.MaxRecords = 20 Q.Catalog = Request("ct") Q.Columns = "DocTitle, DocAddress, SiteName, MimeType, NNTP_MessageID, Rank" ' Execute the query and create the recordset holding the search results. On Error Resume Next Set RS = Q.CreateRecordSet("sequential") ' If the query can't be executed, print out the error description. If Err.Number <> 0 Then Response.Write "" & L_ReservedWords_Text & "" Elseif RS.EOF = true and RS.BOF = true Then If Q.QueryIncomplete = TRUE Then Response.Write "" & L_TooComplex_Text & "" Else Response.Write "" & L_NoMatches_Text & "" End if Else %> <% ' Set up the header table for displaying results summary. %>
<% = L_Matches_text %>: <% if RS.Properties("RowLimitExceeded") = true then Response.write L_MoreThan_text & " " & RS.Properties("RowCount") else Response.write RS.Properties("RowCount") end if %> <% = L_Query_text %>: <% = Request("qu") %>
<% = L_Displayed_text %>: <% = RecordNumber %> - <% If RS.Properties("RowCount") < RecordNumber + 19 Then %> <% = RS.Properties("RowCount") %> <% Else %> <% = RecordNumber + 19 %> <% End If %> <% = L_ResultLinks_text %>: <% pagecount = RS.Properties("RowCount") \ Q.MaxRecords If RS.Properties("RowCount") mod Q.MaxRecords > 0 Then pagecount=pagecount +1 End If for i=1 to pagecount Q.StartHit = Q.MaxRecords * (i - 1) RN = Q.MaxRecords * (i - 1) + 1 response.write "" _ & i & " " next if RS.Properties("RowLimitExceeded") = true then Q.StartHit = Q.MaxRecords * i response.write "" _ & i & " . . ." else end if %>

<% ' Set up loop to iterate through results. Do while not RS.EOF ' If a blank title is found, use the address instead. If RS("DocTitle") <> "" Then DocTitle = RS("DocTitle") Else DocTitle = "No title: " & RS("DocAddress") End If %> <% ' Increment the results. RS.MoveNext RecordNumber = RecordNumber + 1 Loop %>
<% = RecordNumber %>. <% if RS("NNTP_MessageID") <> "" then %> <% Dim strLink strLink = "news://" & RS("SiteName") & "/" & RS("NNTP_MessageID") %> <% = DocTitle %>
<% Else %> <% = cint(RS("Rank"))/10%>% "><% = DocTitle %>
<% = RS("DocAddress")%>
<% End if %>
<% End If ' End of check for successful recordset creation. %> <% End If ' End of Results Section. %>