Around the world in a Bates minute

A photo essay that answers the question: What are Bates people doing right now?

In the Winter 2006 issue of Bates Magazine, we tried to answer a familiar question: What are Bates people doing right now?

So we inquired around the world, finding alums, parents, faculty and students who agreed to be photographed at the same moment on the same day.

For our minute, we chose 9:47 a.m. Eastern Time (or 14:47 Greenwich Mean Time, if you wish) on Nov. 3, 2005. The minute was picked randomly and practically. We wanted a minute in which our contributors might actually be awake, whether it be Tim Leach ’99 in the darkness of 5:47 a.m. Alaska, or Kimmochi Eguchi ’97 in Tokyo at 11:47 p.m.

All our participants can be seen above left in a slide show. The diverse group was brought together in an artificial construct, it’s true. Yet, I think, it is not difficult to view the slide show and let your mind create a pleasing sense of concord.