Music s27 - Exploring Jazz Guitar


John Smedley, Carnegie 332, x6323

Course Description

This unit explores the nature of the guitar in jazz. A historical survey of jazz guitarists includes extensive listening and viewing of video performances, with special attention to the techniques that established their individual voices on the instrument. Elements of guitar acoustics are discussed and demonstrated in the laboratory. While the unit is designed for players or non-players, it will include a discussion of jazz theory and analysis. Private lessons are available for guitarists.

Class Meetings

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m., Olin 128

*Thursday Film Series, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., Carnegie 204

Required Texts

The Guitar in Jazz: An Anthology, James Sallis, ed., University of Nebraska Press (Lincoln and London), 1996.

Wes Montgomery, Adrian Ingram, Ashley Mark (England), 1985.

Additional Texts

The Jazz Guitar, Maurice Summerfield, Ashley Mark (England)

Charlie Christian, Peter Broadbent, Ashley Mark (England)

Django Reinhardt, Charles Delaunay, Ashley Mark (England)

Thinking In Jazz: The Infinite Art of Improvisation, Paul F. Berliner, University of Chicago Press, 1995.

Audio Materials

Listening to recordings is a large component of this unit. Several copies of each tape are on reserve at the audio desk of Ladd Library. Hopefully, we will be able to set up a regular "listening session" as well, to accommodate the large number of listeners!

Video Series

To make the most of our time together, a separate video series will be scheduled on Thursday nights from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., probably in Carnegie 204. This will be open to the public as well, to share the fun!


Course grades are pass/fail. Brief quizzes will be given each class day on the reading and listening assignments. There will also be a final project, which may be either a research paper, a musical analysis, or a live performance.