Fall 2024 Bates Leads Clubs, Orgs, and Jobs Fair Table Registration
- The fair will take place on Wednesday, September 4th from 8:00 to 10:00pm. Set-up of your group’s table may begin at 7:30pm.
- Tabling for clubs and organizations will take place at the tents on Bardwell Field and the Library Quad. Clubs/orgs may specify a tent preference when they submit their group’s registration, and will receive their tent assignment in the week leading up to the fair.
- Tabling for student employment positions will take place in the tent in front of Commons.
- Registration in advance is required. We are unable to guarantee a table if your group does not register.
- BCSG-recognized clubs and Campus Life-supported organizations: Campus Life will provide a sign with a QR code that directly links to your Bates Engage group, so prospective members can instantly sign up to be in the loop. Other groups are encouraged to create similar materials.
- We encourage you to watch this video and/or review this quick reference sheet to prep for the fair.
- Submit this form no later than Thursday, August 29. Contact Campus Life at campuslife@bates.edu if you have questions. Thanks!
Registration for the Bates Leads Clubs, Orgs, and Jobs Fair is now closed. There will be a limited number of standby tables available. Please drop by the tents between 7:30 and 8:00pm on Wednesday, September 4th to see if one is available for your group.