% THESIS COVER PAGE % Choose Honors/Senior and Arts/Science below as appropriate. \vspace*{4cm} % LaTeX will remove blank space at the start or end of a page, % but the asterisk prevents this. \centerline{\LARGE \textbf{Simpsons Rule!}} \centerline{\LARGE \textbf{An Examination of Math in \emph{The Simpsons}}} \bigskip\bigskip \centerline{\Large An Honors Thesis} %\centerline{\Large A Senior Thesis} \medskip \centerline{\Large Presented to the Department of Mathematics} \medskip \centerline{\Large Bates College} \medskip \centerline{\Large in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the} \medskip \centerline{\Large Degree of Bachelor of Arts} %\centerline{\Large Degree of Bachelor of Science} \medskip \centerline{\Large by} \medskip \centerline{\Large Eric Towne} \medskip \centerline{\Large Lewiston, Maine} \medskip \centerline{\Large December 16, 2006} \newpage