SECURITY ALERT 07/16/2013- Security Reminder


Members of the Bates Community,


Although the summer months bring great weather, summer is also the top months for acts of theft and burglary. The City of Lewiston and Bates College have recently had an increase in thefts and burglaries and with that, we write to you as a reminder of some basic Security steps everyone can take to deter this type of activity.


The recent incidents have shown that the individuals committing these acts are doing so in the early to late evening hours (darkness) and attempting to get in and out quickly. They are going in and retrieving whatever valuable items (computers, hard drives, TV’s, cameras, laptops etc) as quickly as they can and getting out. Although no amount of Security measures can stop a person determined to gain entry or take an item, but by following the recommendations below you may deter and/or slow their activity.


Offices/Workspace- Those who have doors at their workspaces and have keys should ensure at the end of each workday and anytime while leaving the area during the workday the doors are locked and secured.


Residential– Ensure all doors are locked at all times and carry your keys and ID with you. Check exterior doors to ensure they are closed and locked behind you. Never prop a door!


Windows and Screens should be closed and locked at the end of each workday and during extended times away from the area during the day.


Offices with windows- any valuable items should not be kept in view of a window and if possible close the window shades to block the view of those items. Out of sight, out of mind.


All cabinets (file, metal, etc), if able and have the keys should be locked at the end of each workday and during extended times away from the area during the day.


Never leave valuables unattended.


Ensure your vehicle is locked at all times. Leaving windows, open may keep your vehicle cooler during the daytime hours but only makes it easier to gain access to your vehicle. Keep all valuable items in the glove compartment or hidden away.


Take inventory of your office/workspace/dorm room. Take a few moments and record all serial numbers, description, make, model and value of all personal and College owned electronics, and other valuable items you may keep here. Take this list and keep it in a safe place in hard copy form that is easily accessible for you should it be needed. Often items can be recovered with this information.


As always, please continue to alert Bates Security (207) 786-6254 or ext. 6254 of any suspicious activity immediately. Bates Security and Lewiston Police Department continue to work closely investigating these incidents.