Safety & Security Update

Carl Steidel
Over the past few weeks students have reported incidents of concerning behavior by individuals not associated with Bates to both Security and Student Affairs staff. These reports include a number of thefts of backpacks, laptops, and bicycles from various locations around campus. We have also heard reports of individuals driving along College Street “cat-calling” or making other inappropriate comments towards students who are walking nearby. In addition, on September 30, Security and Campus Safety responded to a report of an assault on a Bates student and a complaint regarding a man exposing himself to students.
We write today to ask for your assistance. We encourage all students who may experience any of the behaviors mentioned above or other concerning behaviors to report the incident as soon as possible. Students have a number of options to report any concerning behavior:
- Report directly to Security & Campus Safety – Call 207-786-6254 or 207-786-6111 for emergencies;
- Submit an anonymous report through EthicsPoint; or
- Contact Gwen Lexow to report any sexual harassment, misconduct, or any bias-related incident.
Timely reporting can yield results. Over the past weekend, Security and Campus Safety along with the Lewiston Police were able to arrest an individual who had stolen several laptops due to reports and help from a number of students. Last year, after students reported the license plate of a vehicle, Lewiston Police were able to intervene with the occupants who had been harassing our students.
We also encourage students to take proactive steps to attend to their own safety and the security of their belongings. Please lock your residence hall room doors when you leave and when you are sleeping. Do not leave your backpack or laptop unattended, even if you will be gone for only a short time. Lock your bikes, scooters, and skateboards.
Students are encouraged to utilize the Saferide/Escort program through Security and Campus Safety whenever they are uncomfortable walking on campus during the evening hours. Saferides/Escorts are provided between on-campus locations, from off-campus residences to on-campus locations, and to student residences off-campus for those living there. We are aware that during the high demand times on Friday and Saturday evenings, wait time for escorts may be longer than expected during other times. Please know we are exploring staffing options to decrease wait times during these hours.
Additionally, Security Officers will be actively patrolling in the College Street and Frye Street neighborhoods to act as a deterrent for concerning behaviors.
Please be in touch with any questions or suggestions you may have.
Carl Steidel, Senior Associate Dean of Students