Bates Environmental Internships

Application Deadline: 7 April by 11:59 PM

Bates Environmental Internships give students a chance to understand some of the complexities and unpredictable variables that accompany environmental work.  The experience also provides a way for students to test in the field some of the theories and arguments encountered in courses.  Projects may include hands-on conservation work, environmental education, environmental research, political advocacy, environmental law, or other areas related to environmental questions.  They can involve domestic or international opportunities. 

Internships must be (1) eight weeks or longer and (2) a full-time position involving a minimum of 30 hours per week.

The internship includes a grant that ranges from $1000- $5,000 and generally used to
provide salary for a volunteer a low-paying position. Funds can also be requested to
defray unusual expenses (e.g. high cost of international airfare) associated with the
completion of the internship.

The criteria for the selection of Environmental Interns are:

(1) the degree to which the internship opportunity will lead to personal growth on the part of the student;

(2) evidence of academic and other preparation for the proposed internship;

(3) evidence that the internship can be implemented and completed as specified in the proposal.

Academic credit is not granted for these internships.

Preference will be given to applicants who have not been previously supported through this program.

Eligibility. All actively enrolled, full-time first-year, sophomore, and junior students, regardless of major, are eligible to apply. Seniors are not eligible.

Deadline. Proposals will not be accepted after the deadline.  Interested students are urged to talk with one of the members of the Environmental Internship Committee prior to completing their application. Proposals are due by 11:59 pm on the deadline date listed above.

Students selected are expected to confirm the acceptance of their awards.

The application form must be filled out and the following items must be attached as a SINGLE combined PDF within the form to be considered a complete package:

  • a statement of approximately 250-500 words (1-2 pages double-spaced) that describes the internship, the types of responsibilities you will have in the internship, the rationale for selecting the position, and the personal growth that you expect to realize through pursuit of the opportunity;
  • a short (not more than four typed lines) summary of the internship, including the number of weeks and hours per week;
  • a resume-like summary of your academic work to date and other activities that give evidence of your interest in the purposes of the Otis Internship;
  • Faculty/staff letter of support who can attest to your qualifications for succeeding the
  • IMPORTANT: You must secure a letter or email from the sponsoring organization that confirms (1) your duties, (2) the length of the internship, (3) the hours per week you will work, and (4) any salary or other forms of compensation (e.g., free room and/or board) associated with the position.  APPLICATIONS WITHOUT A LETTER FROM THE SPONSOR THAT SPECIFICALLY ADDRESSES ALL FOUR ITEMS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

Applications are reviewed by the Otis Committee and the Committee reserves the right to review applicant transcripts if necessary. The selection committee may also choose to interview some applicants before final decisions are made.

Following the completion of the project, each Fellow offers a presentation to the College community and provides a brief 1-2 page fellowship report on the experience within two weeks of fellowship completion. Details of this obligation are discussed with each Fellow.

If for any reason the recipient of the grant is unable to fulfill their internship obligations as stated in their proposal, the student will be responsible to repay back the grant money awarded.  If the College has purchased airline tickets that the student does not use, the student is responsible to repay the College for the price of the ticket.  If the project has been started, then the amount of payment back will be determined by Edili Lopez in the Dean of the Faculty’s Office.

To apply, please submit a completed application form. All the package requirements detailed in the application materials above must be combined and attached into a SINGLE PDF form within the application form and by the deadline noted above.