Academic Year Research Grant Information

- Tips for Preparing a Strong Grant Proposal (PDF)
- Bates Student Research Fund
- Community Work-Study Fellowships
- Community-Engaged Research Fellowships
- Community-Engaged Learning Grants
- INBRE Supply Fund Grant
- STEM Conference Grants
- Transportation Assistance Grants
- Volunteer Service Grants
Academic Year Grants Summary
BARLOW ENDOWMENT FOR STUDY ABROAD provides fellowships for off-campus study semesters, smaller off-campus study enhancement grants, support for theses associated with off-campus study, and faculty travel grants. For more information:
BATES STUDENT RESEARCH FUND GRANTS support student research in all disciplines associated with a senior thesis, independent study, or an academic course. Grants of up to $300 fund supplies, travel, subject reimbursement and more. Deadlines: Oct. 1 and Dec. 1; Feb. 1 and May 1.
COMMUNITY WORK-STUDY FELLOWSHIPS allow federal work-study funds to be used for academic-year community-based work with local non-profit agencies. Students MUST qualify for federal work-study funds. Compensation is at a rate of $8.25 per hour. Host agencies must agree to reimburse Bates College for 25% of the student’s total earnings. Contact the Harward Center for Community Partnerships. Deadline: rolling, but most positions are filled soon after the start of the semester.
COMMUNITY-ENGAGED RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS provide a $500 stipend, mentoring, and peer reflection for student research projects that advance public needs, as articulated in dialogue with community partners. CER Fellowships will be awarded for the winter semester only. Contact the Harward Center for Community Partnerships. Deadline: Dec. 5.
COMMUNITY-ENGAGED LEARNING GRANTS (supported by the Arthur Crafts and Helen A. Papaioanou Funds) provide resources for students who design an academically-related community-engaged learning project and are intended to cover incidentals such as supplies, fees, or research expenses. Funding up to $150 for qualified students and up to $300 for a group of students is available. Awards are competitive, are granted without regard to financial need and are available to students in all disciplines and classes. Contact the Harward Center for Community Partnerships. Deadlines: Rolling (reviewed every two weeks).
STEM TRAVEL GRANTS support students in math and sciences who are presenting their research at regional and national conferences. Grants cover travel costs, housing, food, and registration fees. Deadlines: Oct. 1, Dec. 1, Feb. 1, and May 1.
TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE GRANTS provide funds to help students with travel expenses related to their service project. Funding up to $100 for qualified students and up to $300 for a group of students is available. Preference is given to Maine-based project. Contact the Harward Center for Community Partnerships. Deadline: rolling (reviewed every two weeks).
VOLUNTEER SERVICE GRANTS provide funding for volunteer service project. Individuals can apply for up to $150 and groups up to $300. For more information, contact the Harward Center for Community Partnerships. Deadline: rolling (reviewed every two weeks).
Academic Year Deadlines
Alphabetical Listing
Barlow Fellowship
March 15
Barlow Junior-Year Theses Research Grants
Ongoing Rounds
Barlow Senior Thesis Research Grants
October 1 and throughout the year
Bates Student Research Fund Grants
Multiple Rounds
October 1
December 1
February 1
May 1
Community Work-Study Fellowships
Ongoing Rounds
Community-Engaged Research Fellowships
December 5
Community-Engaged Learning Grants
Rolling (reviewed every two weeks)
Sigma-Xi Grants-in-Aid-of-Research
Multiple Rounds
October 15
March 15
STEM Travel Grants
October 1
December 1
February 1
May 1
Transportation Assistance Grants
Ongoing (reviewed every two weeks)
Volunteer Service Grants
Ongoing Rounds.
Chronological Listing
Barlow Junior-Year Research Grants
Barlow Senior Theses Research Grants
Community Work-Study Fellowships
Community-Engaged Learning Grants
Transportation Assistance Grants
Volunteer Service Grants
1 – Barlow Senior Thesis Research Grants
1 – Bates Student Research Fund
7 – STEM Travel Grants
15 – Sigma-Xi
1 – Bates Student Research Fund
1- STEM Travel Grant
1 – Bates Student Research Fund
1 – STEM Travel Grant
15 – Barlow Fellowships
15 – Sigma-Xi
1 – Bates Student Research Fund
1 – STEM Travel Grants