
Tonelli B, Zelin A, Dearborn DC, Tingley M. 2023. Individual-based models of avian migration for estimating behavioral traits and predicting ecological interactions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14:2464-2481.
Halupka L, Arlt D, Tolvanen J, Halupka K, et al. 2023. The effect of climate change on avian offspring production: a global meta-analysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 120:e2208389120.
Mauck RA, Pratte I, Hedd A, Pollet II, Jones PI, Montevecchi WA, Ronconi RA, Gjerdrum C, Adrianowyscz S, McMahon C, Acker H, Taylor LU, McMahon J, Dearborn DC, Robertson GJ, McFarlane Tranquilla LA. 2023. Female and male Leach’s Storm-Petrels (Hydrobates leucorhous) pursue different foraging strategies during the incubation period. Ibis 165:161-178.
Dearborn DC, Warren S, Hailer F. 2022. Meta-analysis of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class IIA reveals polymorphism and positive selection in many vertebrate species. Molecular Ecology 31:6390-6406.
Stratton JB, Dearborn DC. 2021. Nest sanitation behavior does not increase the likelihood of parasitic egg rejection in herring gulls. Current Zoology 67:675-681.
Rand LM, Woodward C, May R, Ackerman RA, Tweedie B, Zicarelli TB, Dearborn DC. 2019. Divergence between genes but limited allelic polymorphism in two MHC class II A genes in Leach’s storm-petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa. Immunogenetics 71:561-573.
Tonelli B, Dearborn DC. 2019. An individual-based model for the dispersal of Ixodes scapularis by ovenbirds and wood thrushes during fall migration. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 10:1096-1104.
Mauck RA, Dearborn DC, Huntington CE. 2018. Annual Global Mean Temperature explains reproductive success in a marine vertebrate from 1955-2010. Global Change Biology 24:1599-1613.
Tricola GM, Simons MJP, Atema E, Boersma PD, Boughton RK, Brown JL, Dearborn DC, Divoky G, Eimes J, Huntington CE, Kitaysky AS, Juola FA, Lank DB, Litwa HP, Mulder EGA, Nisbet ICT, Okanoya K, Safran RJ, Schoech SJ, Schreiber EA, Thompson PM, Verhulst S, Wheelwright NT, Winkler DW, Young R, Vleck CM, Haussmann MF. 2018. The rate of telomere loss is related to maximum lifespan in birds. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 373:20160445.
Dearborn DC, Page SM, Dainson M, Hauber ME, Hanley D. 2017. Eggshells as hosts of bacterial communities: an experimental test of the antimicrobial egg coloration hypothesis. Ecology and Evolution 7:9711-9719.
Dearborn DC. 2017. The affluent can always buy wilderness access. What about everyone else? A roundtable essay for The Nature of Cities.
Dearborn DC, Gager AB, McArther AG, Gilmour ME, Mandzhukova E, and Mauck RA. 2016. Gene duplication and divergence produce diverse MHC genotypes without disassortative mating. Molecular Ecology 25:4355-4367.
Dearborn DC, Gager AB, Gilmour ME, McArther AG, Hinerfeld DA, and Mauck RA. 2015. Non-neutral evolution and reciprocal monophyly of two expressed Mhc class II B genes in Leach’s storm-petrel. Immunogenetics 67:111-123 PDF
Gilmour ME, Lattin CR, Romero LM, Haussmann MF, Mauck RA, and Dearborn DC. 2015. Finding the best predictor of reproductive performance of Leach’s Storm-petrels. Auk: Ornithological Advances. 132:191-205. PDF
Dearborn DC. 2015. Book review of The Book of Eggs, by Mark Hauber. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 127:161-163. STORRS OLSON AWARD FOR BEST BOOK REVIEW 2015 W.J.O.
Ismar SMH, Daniel C, Igic B, Ballard G, Millar CD, Fidler AE, McGraw KJ, Wakamatsu K, Stephenson BM, Cassey P, Dearborn DC, Hauber ME. 2014. Sexual plumage dichromatism in a size monomorphic seabird. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126:417-428, WITH FRONTISPIECE IMAGE PDF
Kennedy EA, Lattin CR, Romero LM, and Dearborn DC. 2013. Feather coloration in museum specimens is related to corticosterone. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67:341-348. FEATURED ON PDF
Dearborn DC, Hanley D, Ballantine K, Cullum J, and Reeder DM. 2012. Eggshell colour is more strongly affected by maternal identity than by dietary antioxidants in a captive poultry system. Functional Ecology 26:912-920. PDF
Gilmour ME, Schreiber EA, and Dearborn DC. 2012. Satellite telemetry of Great Frigatebirds rearing chicks on Tern Island, North Central Pacific Ocean. Marine Ornithology 40:17-23. PDF
Juola FA and Dearborn DC. 2012. Sequence-based evidence for major histocompatibility complex-disassortative mating in a colonial seabird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279:153-162. WITH COVERAGE ON THE WEBSITE OF SCIENCE. PDF
Levin II, Valkiūnas G, Santiago-Alarcon D, Cruz LL, Iezhova TA, O’Brien SL, Hailer F, Dearborn DC, Schreiber EA, Fleischer RC, Ricklefs RE, and Parker PG. 2011. Hippoboscid-transmitted Haemoproteus infecting Galapagos Pelecaniform birds: Evidence from mitochondrial DNA and morphological description of blood stages of H. iwa. International Journal for Parasitology 41:1019-1027, WITH COVER PHOTO. PDF
Hanley D, Doucet SM, and Dearborn DC. 2010. A blackmail hypothesis for the evolution of conspicuous egg color in birds. The Auk 127:453-459. PDF
Dearborn DC and Kark S. 2010. Motivations for conserving urban biodiversity. Conservation Biology 24:432-440. FEATURED IN THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION’S SCIENCE FOR ENVIRONMENT POLICY NEWS ALERT SERVICE PDF
Dearborn DC. 2010. Yellow-breasted chat (Icteria virens). In: Steele MA, Brittingham MC, Maret TJ, and Merritt JF, eds. Terrestrial Vertebrates of Pennsylvania: A Complete Guide to Species of Conservation Concern.
Igic B, Hauber ME, Galbraith JA, Grim T, Dearborn DC, Brennan PLR, Moskat C, Choudhary PK, and Cassey P. 2010. Comparison of micrometer- and scanning electron microscope-based measurements of avian eggshell thickness. Journal of Field Ornithology 81:402-410. PDF
Dearborn DC and Gager AB. 2009. Food dunking behavior by a Eurasian jay Garrulus glandarius. Sandgrouse (Journal of the Ornithological Society of the Middle East) 31:40-41. PDF
Wright SG and Dearborn DC. 2009. Male ornament variation in a sexually dimorphic seabird with variable male mating success. Evolutionary Ecology Research 11:759-770, WITH COVER PHOTO. PDF
Dearborn DC, MacDade LS, Robinson S, Fink ADD, Fink ML. 2009. Offspring development mode and the evolution of brood parasitism. Behavioral Ecology 20:517-524. PDF
Hanley D, Heiber G, and Dearborn DC. 2008. Testing an assumption of the sexual signaling hypothesis: does blue-green egg color reflect maternal antioxidant capacity? Condor 100:767-771. PDF
Dearborn DC, Hailer F, Fleischer RC. 2008. Microsatellite primers for relatedness and population structure in great frigatebirds (Pelecaniformes: Fregatidae). Molecular Ecology Resources 8:1399-1401. PDF
Dearborn DC, Anders AD, and Juola FA. 2008. Parental age differentially influences offspring size over the course of development in Laysan albatross Phoebastria immutabilis. Journal of Zoology 276:14-20, WITH COVER PHOTO. PDF
Gager AB, Loiza JR, Dearborn DC, Bermingham E. 2008. Do mosquitoes filter the access of Plasmodium cytochrome b lineages to an avian host? Molecular Ecology 17:2552-2561. PDF
Juola FA, McGraw K, Dearborn DC. 2008. Carotenoids and throat pouch coloration in the great frigatebird (Fregata minor). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 149:370-377. PDF
Hanley D, Minehart W, and Dearborn DC. 2007. Documentation of a polygynous gray catbird. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 199:499-502. PDF
Juola FA, and Dearborn DC. 2007. Does the differential cost of sons and daughters lead to sex ratio adjustment in great frigatebirds (Fregata minor)? Journal of Avian Biology 38:94-104. PDF
Dearborn DC and Anders AD. 2006. Demography and reproductive ecology of great frigatebirds. Atoll Research Bulletin 543:159-171. PDF
Juola FA, Haussmann MF, Dearborn DC, and Vleck CM. 2006. Telomeres provide insight into lifespan and age structure of a long-lived marine bird. Auk 123:775-783. PDF
Dearborn DC, Anders AD, and Williams JB. 2005. Courtship display by great frigatebirds, Fregata minor: an energetically costly handicap signal? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 58:397-406. PDF
Cohen LB, and Dearborn DC. 2004. Great frigatebirds (Fregata minor) choose mates that are genetically similar. Animal Behaviour 68:1229-1236. PDF
Lichtenstein G and Dearborn DC. 2004. Begging and short-term need in cowbird nestlings: how different are brood parasites? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 56:352-359. PDF
Anders AD and Dearborn DC. 2004. Population trends of the endangered golden-cheeked warbler on Fort Hood, Texas, from 1992-2001. Southwestern Naturalist 49:39-47. PDF
Kostecke RM, Koloszar JA, and Dearborn DC. 2003. Effect of a reduction in cattle stocking rate on brown-headed cowbird activity. Wildlife Society Bulletin 31:1083-1091. PDF
Dearborn DC, Anders AD, Schreiber EA, Adams RMM, and Mueller UG. 2003. Inter-island movements and population differentiation in a pelagic seabird. Molecular Ecology 12:2835-2843. PDF
Hauber ME and Dearborn DC. 2003. Parentage without parental care: what to look for in genetic studies of obligate brood-parasitic mating systems. Auk [Perspectives in Ornithology] 120:1-13. PDF
Dearborn DC and Ryan MJ. 2002.A test of the Darwin-Fisher theory for the evolution of male secondary sexual traits in monogamous birds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15:307-313. PDF
Burhans DE, Dearborn DC, Thompson FR III, and Faaborg J. 2002. Factors affecting predation at songbird nests in old fields. Journal of Wildlife Management 66:240-249. PDF
Dearborn DC and Lichtenstein G. 2002. Begging behaviour and host exploitation in parasitic cowbirds. Pp. 361-387 in M. Leonard and J. Wright, eds. The evolution of begging: competition, cooperation, and communication. chapter PDF
Table of Contents for entire book: contents PDF
Dearborn DC, Anders AD, and Parker PG. 2001. Sexual dimorphism, extra-pair fertilizations, and operational sex ratio in great frigatebirds (Fregata minor). Behavioral Ecology 12:746-752. PDF
Dearborn DC and Sanchez LL. 2001. Do Golden-cheeked Warblers select nest locations based on patch vegetation? Auk 118:1052-1057. PDF
Dearborn DC, Anders AD, and Flint EN. 2001. Trends in reproductive success of Hawaiian seabirds: is guild membership a good criterion for choosing indicator species? Biological Conservation 101:97-103. PDF
Dearborn DC. 2001. Body condition and retaliation in parental effort decisions of incubating great frigatebirds (Fregata minor). Behavioral Ecology 12:200-206, WITH COVER PHOTO. PDF
Dearborn DC and Anders AD. 2000. The occurrence and breeding behavior of lesser frigatebirds (Fregata ariel) on Tern Island, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Seabirds 27:2-5. PDF
Dearborn DC. 1999. Brown-headed cowbird nestling vocalizations and the risk of nest predation. Auk 116:448-457. PDF
Dearborn DC. 1998. Begging behavior and food acquisition by brown-headed cowbird nestlings. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 43:259-270. PDF
Dearborn DC, Anders AD, Thompson FR III, and Faaborg J. 1998. Effects of cowbird parasitism on parental provisioning and nestling food acquisition and growth. Condor 100:326-334. PDF
Dearborn DC 1998. Interspecific territoriality by a rufous-tailed hummingbird (Amazilia tzacatl): effects of intruder size and resource value. Biotropica 30:306-313. PDF
Anders AD, Dearborn DC, Faaborg JR, and Thompson FR III. 1997. Juvenile survival in a population of neotropical migrant birds. Conservation Biology 11:698-707. PDF
Dearborn DC. 1996. Video documentation of a Brown-headed Cowbird nestling ejecting an Indigo Bunting nestling from the nest. Condor 98:645-649. PDF
Dearborn DC and Wiley RH. 1993. Prior residence has a gradual influence on dominance in captive white-throated sparrows. Animal Behaviour 46:39-46. PDF