Search for "affect theory"
Katie M. Adkison
Assistant Professor of English
16th- and 17th- century English drama, 16th- and 17th- century English poetry, affect theory, critical making, digital humanities and digital archives, early modern broadside ballads, early modern literature and culture, gender and sexuality studies, historical phenomenology, history of the senses, phenomenology, print culture and history, printmaking, Renaissance politics, Shakespeare, sonnet cultures, theories of embodied voice, tragedy
Helen C. Boucher
Professor of Psychology
cross-cultural differences in self-related processes (US vs. East Asia comparisons), cultural psychology, ego depletion model, meaning in life, meaning maintenance model, money priming, naive dialecticism, positive psychology, psychology of social class, self-concept, self-esteem, self-regulation, social psychology, terror management theory
Stephen M. Engel
Professor of Politics and Associate Dean of the Faculty
American political development, archival research, citizenship theory, civil rights, civil rights, civil rights law, gender, institutional development, interview-based studies, judicial development, judicial politics, LGBT politics, political sociology, post-war civil rights mobilization, progressive era politics, qualitative methods, race, sexuality, social movements, U.S. constitutional law, U.S. politics