Employee Testing Information

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you’ve had a good weekend. A few quick items:

Employee Testing

Please see the HR website for information on employee testing. This covers material from the Thursday information session, and more. Key highlights from the website are:

  1. Employee testing is an important public health measure, like face coverings and hand washing, to prevent outbreaks.
  2. Employees will need to sign a consent form before being able to test; this form will be available on the website and Garnet Gateway in August.
  3. Testing is scheduled to start the week of 8/17; we will continue to provide updates as we get into August.
Sunday Reminders
  1. Self-monitor for symptoms; stay home if sick!
  2. Follow state orders on requirements for those who leave the state; 211 is a resource for questions.
  3. Thanks to all for the active participation in face coverings and other Bates COVID policies.

Be well, Geoff