Comment on COVID-19 Vaccines

Dear Colleagues, 

I write with a brief comment on vaccines after hearing from a few staff and faculty colleagues. 

Currently Maine is in Phase 1b of its vaccine rollout. Later within Phase 1b, the state indicates that “the education sector” is included, but there is no further specificity at this time. As we learn the details of 1b, where appropriate, I will share that news with faculty and staff.

COVID-19 vaccinations are managed by the State of Maine and through health care providers. Unlike the COVID-19 testing environment or annual flu vaccines, where Bates can purchase and offer tests and flu vaccines, I do not expect that COVID-19 vaccines will be provided or sold to private organizations for distribution. As such, it is unlikely that Bates will directly sponsor our own COVID-19 vaccine clinic for employees or students like we do for the flu each fall.

Where we are able to work with community partners to assist the pandemic response, we do so. We have seen this in action with the provision of freezers to both local hospitals, and offering space in Underhill for a COVID vaccine clinic for first responders. If and where we can be active to facilitate vaccines for our employees and students, we will do so. 

Bates, as an employer, is not a replacement for appropriate and regular communication with your primary care physician. Your healthcare is best managed by you and your direct clinical providers. For employees who meet specific age-based and health-based criteria for vaccines, I advise you to continue to work with your normal care providers and indicate your interest in the COVID-19 vaccine.

I hope your first week of classes has gone well.

