New Bates LibrarySearch is live!

The new Bates LibrarySearch is now live! We are excited to share our new library catalog and search tool, which provides streamlined searching and access to our myriad library collections.

As the summer proceeds, the work on the implementation of LibrarySearch will continue, as some configurations must be completed after our new search tool has been launched. We thank you for your patience as we fine tune and fully activate this powerful search tool. 

Examples of development include: 

  • Links to articles in between databases might not connect initially. Each database needs to be updated manually, so libraries’ staff will begin with our most popular databases to restore linking capabilities to those quickly. Some databases may require us to work with the vendor to update, which will add more time to the process.
  • Interlibrary loan requests will remain the best way to obtain materials from off-campus for the short term. You will be able to request items from Colby, Bates and Bowdoin through LibrarySearch, but there may be minor delays as we figure out workflows. MaineCat requesting will require additional software development- we will update the campus community when this work is completed but until then, please continue placing requests through Interlibrary Loan. 

Over the summer, research librarians are available by appointment to assist with any questions you may have regarding LibrarySearch. 

LibrarySearch workshops for interested faculty and staff will be offered on August 22 from 11am-12pm and August 28 from 1pm-2pm.  Please register if you plan to attend.

If you need assistance, have questions about LibrarySearch, or have feedback that will help us to improve it, please visit the Ask a Librarian page to get in touch.