Turning Points

Professor of Psychology John Kelsey

HONORED Professor of Psychology John Kelsey, with the 2007 Kroepsch Award for Excellence in Teaching. Kelsey joined the Bates faculty in 1979 and has chaired the neuroscience program since its inception, in 1997. His research involves neurochemical systems mediating motivation and learning within the limbic system of the brain.

APPOINTED As Christian A. Johnson Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Professor of History Michael Jones; and as Whitehouse Professor, Professor of Sociology Emily Kane.

A member of the Bates faculty since 1982, Jones specializes in the history of the North Atlantic region from late antiquity through medieval times, and was central to the creation of the classical and medieval studies program at Bates. Kane’s research examines issues of social inequality, the ideology of gender, and family interactions. She has taught at Bates since 1996.

Both appointments are for four years. Jones succeeds Jane Costlow, professor of Russian, to become the College’s second Johnson Professor, and Kane succeeds psychology professors Kelsey and Georgia Nigro to become the third Whitehouse Professor.

PUBLISHED Common Ground: Committee Politics in the U.S. House of Representatives (Stanford University Press, 2006), in which John Baughman, associate professor of politics, shows that House committees can and do cooperate successfully, even on hot-button issues; The Fiery Serpent (Pleasant Word/Winepress, 2006), in which Paul Kuritz, professor of theater, sets forth a Christian theory of theater.

DEPARTED Meredith Braz, registrar and administrative dean for academic services, to become registrar at Dartmouth College. Braz joined the registrar’s office at Bates in 1992, and during her tenure made effective use of technology to rationalize and streamline the functions of registrar, financial aid, and student accounts. “I am sad that Bates will no longer have the many benefits of her undivided attention, expertise, good will and creative problem solving,” Dean of the Faculty Jill Reich noted in announcing Braz’s departure to the campus.

DECEASED Robert Bruce, son of Jill and Professor of Religion Marcus Bruce ’77, and brother of David and Richard Bruce. Robert, 19, and five others died as the result of an automobile accident early Christmas Eve. A Lewiston High School graduate and first-year student at Quinnipiac College, Robert was described by his father as a passionate young man, a great public speaker and an avid sports fan who attended Bates Sports Camp for 10 years. A memorial service on Dec. 29 filled the College Chapel.

Lucille B. Grenier, who joined the Dining Services staff in August 1985 and retired in May 1993. She passed away on Jan. 23 at age 76.