Autumn on Campus in Maine

Just some friends on Frye St outside a campus house
I am just getting back into blogging after a wild start to my senior year. My academic course load is really challenging this semester, but I am really happy with all of my classes. For instance, though I am a Religion major and a Philosophy minor, I registered to take an upper level History seminar on colonial America. It is a subject I wasn’t at all interested in or knew anything about. But all my friends who are History majors told me that Professor Hall was an amazing teacher. Though he was teaching a 100 level class this semester, I decided to take his 300 level seminar with only six other students. There has been tons of reading and writing assignments, but I have fallen in love with the material and the professor. That’s something special about Bates and the liberal arts experience. You don’t have to limit yourself to classes within your major, or even personal interests. And when you take classes outside of your realm of knowledge, why not sign up for the more demanding and smaller classes?
Enough about academics, let’s get to the good stuff. Coming from Kentucky, my parents and friends back home always ask me about the weather. Let’s get something clear: yes, the winters are cold. But the campus looks amazing with the changing seasons. With lots of rain this summer, the leaves are going through an amazing transformation this fall.
Check out these pictures some of my friends have been taking of areas on or just around the campus. These aren’t professional photos from admissions. These are really just some shots my buddies happened to snap this past week.

Ben messing around and doing some rock climbing this past weekend

Anne having a good time and sharing a laugh on the quad