Survey Presentation Location Change

Good Morning Staff Colleagues-

We wanted to remind you that representatives from Rankin Climate will be on campus next Tuesday, May 21stto present the results of the Staff Engagement and Wellness Survey. While we are hopeful that many of you will attend in person, we have also created Zoom links for those who cannot make it to campus that day. This is an important milestone for the college and marks a new phase of reflection as we review the feedback and consider how we will structure the next phase of action planning.

An important note: due to some technical hurdles, the two community sessions will be held in Commons rather than Olin. The event space has a 100-person capacity, so please plan to arrive  a few minutes early to ensure a seat. Here are the specifics:

May 21st Session 1:

10:00 am to 11:00 am, Commons 221-222

Zoom Link

May 21st Session 2:

1:30 pm to 2:30 pm, Commons 221-222

  Zoom Link

We encourage all of you to make one of these Tuesday sessions a priority if you can. The presentation materials will be available to the entire Bates community on the Employee Engagement landing page after the sessions.  

Thanks and we hope to see you on Tuesday!

The Employee Engagement Working Group