Search for "creative writing"
Eden K. Osucha
Associate Professor of English
9/11 literature, African American literature and literary theory, African-American studies, American studies, commodity culture and consumerism, creative writing, critical race studies, critical race theory, cultural studies, film studies, histories and theories of privacy in law, histories and theories of privacy in literature and culture, histories of U.S. race and ethnicity, law, legal studies, LGBTQ politics, literary analysis, literature, literature and law, media studies, media studies, nationalism, Nineteenth-Century American Literature, photography, poetry, post-racialism, privacy, privacy law, queer studies, racial passing, representations of disability and illness, theories of the public sphere, Twentieth-Century American Literature, U.S. literature and culture 1865 to the present, visual culture, women and gender studies
Ian Khara Ellasante
Assistant Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies
African American cultural studies, Black feminisms, Community-Engaged learning, cultural studies, Decolonizing methodologies, feminist theory, gender and sexuality, Indigenous studies, LGBTQ2+ Youth and Young Adults, North American Indigenous feminisms, North American Indigenous literatures, Peoplehood matrix, race and ethnicity, reproductive justice, Reproductive justice, Settler colonialism, transgender studies
Sylvia A. Federico
Professor of English
Anglo-Norman and Anglo-Latin literature and history, Benedictine manuscript culture, Chaucer, French literary and historical connections to England, Iberian and Italian literary and historical connections to England, late medieval literary London, manuscript studies, medieval studies, Middle English language and culture, Middle English literature