Roundtable: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Pettengill Hall, G52
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The Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24 was an alarming turn after weeks of Russian military build-up along Ukraine’s borders and has been met with widespread condemnation. This crisis raises massive concerns for the safety and sovereignty of the people of Ukraine, but it also raises crucial questions about the relationship between the countries of the former Soviet Union and Europe and about the relationship between nationalism, national identity, and nations.
Join a multidisciplinary panel of Bates faculty on Wednesday, March 9 at 4:15 pm in Pettengill G52 (for Bates students, faculty, and staff) or on Zoom (open to the public) for a discussion of the military, political, and humanitarian conflicts surrounding the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. This panel brings together perspectives from across the humanities and social sciences as we explore what this conflict means for Ukraine, Europe, Russia, and the world.

Panelists: Dennis Browne (GRS/EUS), Marina Filipovic (GRS/EUS), Jim Richter (Politics/EUS), Cheryl Stephenson (GRS/EUS). Moderated by Benjamin Moodie (Sociology/EUS).

Sponsored by the Department of German and Russian Studies and the Program in European Studies.