Project Showcase

Andrew M. Mountcastle, Assistant Professor of Biology

In this project-based course, students explore examples of biological
form and function, and use this knowledge to design a product
inspired by nature to solve a problem faced by today’s society. Below is EVA foam laser cut in the Vizlab and assembled to form protective padding that mimics a pangolin’s scales.

Students 3D printed sponge models and view tracer particles moving through the models- the rising particles (which are reflecting the green laser sheet) are in the glass pipette on the top of the sponge.

Psychology of Aging
Katie E. Snyder, Visiting Associate Professor of Psychology

Students visited the VizLab to experience a virtual reality experiential application, Dementia First Hand (Yn Fy Nwylo I), a project funded by the Welsh Government to create an accurate portrayal of what it feels like to experience dementia.

Practicum in Virtual Reality: Design and fabrication for virtual space
Dave Fogler, Guest Practioner

Students learned the basics of modeling and texturing in Autodesk Maya, explored social spaces and design tools in virtual reality headsets, and completed a collaborative realtime virtual environment with 3D models which could be experienced in virtual reality.

Below: some of the chairs and pillars which were modelled and textured by students in the course.

Imagining Videogames: An Introduction to the Practices and Politics that Make Videogames Happen
Joshua Rubin, Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology

We supported this course with a workshop demonstrating video game development and publishing on metaverse platforms in VR headsets. Students were able to play the game, examine the code it was built on, and reflect on the benefits and difficulties of working with the platforms.

Earth & Climate Sciences

Photogrammetry Research

Various faculty and students worked with collected images of samples to form 3D objects that could be shared virtually.

Drones were also utilized to capture visual and survey data.