
The minor in Hispanic Studies requires a minimum of 7 courses from the Hispanic Studies department above HISP103. At least 1 of the 7 courses must be a 300-level course offered by Bates faculty on campus (see catalog for current list of eligible courses).

Courses Taken Outside of Bates

Advanced Placement courses may not be counted toward the minor. Courses taken at other institutions in languages other than Spanish are not given credit by the department. Minors are encouraged to gain proficiency in the language through the experience of studying in a Spanish-speaking country. For a minor, the maximum number is two credits for one semester and three credits for two semesters. Students are encouraged to speak with their minor advisor regarding course offerings before going abroad, otherwise credit toward the minor is not guaranteed.

Short Term Courses

One Short Term course offered by the Hispanic studies department may be counted toward the minor.

Pass/Fail Policy

The use of the pass/fail option is restricted to one course within the minor but may not be elected for the required 300-level courses.