Faculty Scholarship and Grants Committee

Charge of the Committee:

The committee shall: (1) work to develop policies that support and promote faculty scholarship and inclusive pedagogy; (2) allocate funds from the Bates Faculty Development Fund and Learning Associates program, per defined policies; evaluate and decide on applications for Phillips Faculty Fellowships and enhanced sabbaticals; and approve all other sabbaticals; (3) work with the Office of Sponsored Research and Research Compliance to educate faculty on internal and external grant opportunities; (4) communicate leave decisions in a timely manner to the Academic Affairs Council.

Committee Members:

  • Don Dearborn (Chair, ex officio)
  • Amy Douglass (2023-2026)
  • Garry Jenkins (ex officio)
  • Jakub Kazecki (2023-2026)
  • Keiko Konoeda (2023-2026)
  • Faculty TBD (2024-2026)