
Chairs of academic units play a key role in advancing the quality of teaching, scholarship and service engagement at Bates. These colleagues are responsible for the normal operations of their academic units, as well as setting the agenda for the unit. They also represent their academic units to the administration and the college and are expected to keep their unit informed of actions at the college. In academic units where there are co-chairs or associate chairs, there should be an agreement around the division of these duties. 

Roster of Department and Program Chairs

A roster of current division, department, and program chairs, along with their corresponding Associate Dean of Faculty, is available here.

Responsibilities of Department and Program Chairs

Chairs Responsibilities: Serving as a department or program chair includes administrative responsibilities in six broad areas.

Faculty Positions and Resources

Allocation of Faculty Resources: The forms and processes for requesting resources, submitting proposals, and submitting 3-year plans as well as the teaching-planning tool (TPT) are available here.  The link above includes information on line requests, lectureship requests and renewals, requests for course reductions, requests for course replacements, and requests for additional courses.

Hiring and Personnel

This page contains resources about hiring processes, positions available, and the reappointment, tenure and promotion processes at Bates.


In collaboration with the Registrar, we provide a page to help you gain access to data about your program or department. To request data that are not available via the above link, please submit a request using the college Data Request Form.

Department and Program Review

Bates College conducts once-per-decade reviews of all departments and interdisciplinary programs to assess their contributions to the college’s mission. 


As chair, you may need information regarding how to maintain and update aspects of your curriculum. This page has resources on that.

General Information