Data Governance at Bates College
Welcome to the Bates College Data Governance webpage. The purpose data governance is to establish guidelines that ensure that institutional data is both secure and available to those who should have access to it. As Bates continues to grow in its commitment to a culture of data-informed decision-making, it is our hope that the policies and procedures delineated below serve as a useful resource to data stewards, users, and seekers alike.
Please view the below materials to learn about policies governing the use and sharing of Bates College data.
Data Governance Policies and Procedures
Classification of College Data
Data Governance Roles and Responsibilities
Data Administrator Contact List
A pdf document of the policies can also be found here: Bates Data Governance Policy
About Data Requests:
As a general principle, College records exist for the purposes of the business of the college. Requests for data outside of that use are subject to the following considerations:
- Data sensitivity
- Compelling policy interest
- Reputational risk
- Confidentiality
- Anonymity to the extent possible
- IRB Approval