Classroom Committee

Committee charge: The Classroom Committee is charged with gathering and prioritizing requests for improvements to on-campus shared teaching spaces and provides oversight and stewardship of those spaces.  The Committee oversees the maintenance and upkeep of all classrooms, teaching labs, and teaching studios and represents these spaces and their users in the annual capital budgeting process.  The Committee encourages collaboration on improvements to spaces that are used primarily by a single department or program.

A list of spaces currently under the auspices of the Classroom Committee can be found here.

Committee members:

  • Faculty: TBD
  • Paul Farnsworth (ex officio)
  • Lindsey Hamilton, (ex officio)
  • Alexis Hockaday (ex officio)
  • Benjamin Lizzotte (ex officio)
  • Megan McHenry  (Chair, ex officio)
  • Kelly Perreault (ex officio)
  • Jason Scheideman (ex officio)
  • Pat Schoknecht (ex officio)
  • Chris Streifel (ex officio)

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about a campus classroom.