
The Dean of Faculty’s office serves the faculty and academic staff to help ensure the effectiveness of the academic program. Our office manages the academic affairs of over 30 departments and programs, and interacts with more than 200 faculty to facilitate their ability to deliver a powerful education to Bates students. The office is a responsive team dedicated to advancing the work of the college. We work closely with individual faculty, academic units, faculty committees, staff members, parents, alumni, the Board of Trustees, and the administration. Information about our responsibilities and structures is included in these web pages.

Assistant Professor of Education Mara Tieken circulates among small groups of students as they discuss what makes good teaching. Through fieldwork and classroom work, education students learn about the field’s interdisciplinary perspectives and the practical realities today.

Professor of Earth and Climate Sciences Beverly Johnson teaches class at Lake Andrews with her students from EACS 240 - Environmental Geochemistry/Lab, where she asked the students to collect water and measure the following:
-- (dissolves) oxygen
-- specific conductivity
-- temperature
-- depth
Four students working behind Parker Hall gathered and measured their water with the sensor provided by Johnson to each small group:
Katie Caperton '23 in green pullover
Victoria Scott '23 in Bates sweatshirt
Henry King '22 in orange jacket
Peter Dunbar '23 in tan hat
  • Equity and Inclusion: The projects and practices we have for removing barriers to success for marginalized community members.
  • The Dean of the Faculty Office staff: Who works in the dean’s office, what are their titles, what are their areas of responsibility?
  • The Academic Administrative Assistants: Those staff who support faculty in their academic buildings.
  • Organization Chart for Academic Affairs: The deans, the staff, and the direct reports.
  • Calendars: This page give links to calendars with important dates for academic affairs including the dates for faculty meetings.
  • Emeritx Faculty: An information source for Bates faculty, especially those who are retired or curious about retirement. See how retired faculty are creating art, showing up in the community, connecting with each other or finding opportunities for ongoing campus engagement, and sharing stories about navigating the transition to their next stage.
  • Retirement Plan Option: Information about Bates’s retirement plan option that is available for some retiring faculty.