NEH Language Teaching Support Fund


The NEH Language Teaching Support Fund (NEH Fund) provides grants to faculty teaching in Chinese, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Latin, Russian, and Spanish. These grants support language pedagogy and research related to pedagogy. Grants range from $500 to $3,000, though grants of up to $5,000 may be awarded for an individual faculty member and up to $10,000 for a collaboration among two or more language faculty.  Details on what grants support can be found below.


Application Deadlines

For the AY of 2024-25, the NEH Language Teaching Support application deadlines will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. The Committee will review all applications received by the 15th by the end of the month.

Questions? Please contact Krista Aronson,

Who is the NEH Committee that Reviews Proposals?

For 2024-2025, the Committee are: Claudia Aburto Guzmán, Krista Aronson (ex officio),  Jakub Kazecki,  Laurie O’Higgins, Mary Rice-DeFosse

Application requirements

Faculty should complete the online application with attached narrative that includes a project title and detailed, totaled budget uploaded as a single pdf. Project start and end dates are required, and are used to establish a final report timetable.

A two-page (maximum) narrative with project title must include a statement describing the project and its importance to the applicant’s teaching or student language learning, making clear the curricular and/or pedagogical connections associated with the proposed work. The narrative should include a rationale for the work, and delineate what will happen in the classroom and/or within the broader campus community as a result of funding. If funds are being requested to support a recurring visit, please delineate relevant outcomes achieved in the past and discuss how they will be replicated or built upon with additional funding.  A project timetable should explain when the work will be completed.

Criteria for Submission

Quality of proposal — Ability of the committee to understand the proposed work
Completeness — Including budget detail and timeline
Positive pedagogical, curricular, and/or student benefits — We encourage applicants to center benefits to the student and speak to the potential quality of the experience from a student perspective
Recent grant history — Individual faculty are eligible for no more than 5k/year. Joint proposals are eligible for no more than 10k/year.
Time sensitivity — The group will prioritize work that is timely given the topic and/or presenter availability
Past reporting — Future funding is contingent on the submission of a final report for prior funding, without exception (see below for additional details).
Detailed Budget. The proposal must include a detailed, totaled budget of all expenses for the project. Preference is given to proposals with specific, well-justified budgets. Please also indicate what other sources of funding have been committed or are being sought. For example, justified estimates of plane fares, hotel costs, Speaker costs, materials costs, and/or similar information is required.

What Do NEH Grants Support?

NEH Language Teaching Support Grants support such expenses as:

  • Teaching materials (books, periodicals, films, technology, etc.)
  • Performance/event costs (fees for speakers, authors, or professional actors or musicians; accommodations; staging; catering; etc.)
  • Tuition/fees for language learning or pedagogical programs

NEH Fund Grants do NOT support:

  • Faculty salaries or stipends
  • Regular living expenses during a leave
  • Travel or living expenses for family members
  • Personal gear (clothing, medicines, personal items)

Project Timetable.

The project schedule should not exceed ONE full academic year following the year of application (i.e., approximately 18 months maximum).

Faculty members with temporary appointments are reminded that all internal grant funds must be used during the contract period. Other faculty who retire or otherwise leave the college during the grant period may only access grant funds until the end of the final contract period.

Accessing Grant Funds.

The following practices apply to all intramural grant programs, unless otherwise specified. Faculty grantees may access funds only during the period of the grant (i.e., the start and end dates indicated on the application cover sheet). Faculty grantees may access grant funds through (1) reimbursement upon surrender of original receipts by the faculty member to Assistant Dean Jason Scheideman in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty; (2) direct payment of invoices, as approved by Dean Scheideman. Please contact Jason at

Reporting Requirements.

Faculty members are expected to submit electronically a one page final report to the Office of the Dean of the Faculty ( on the work accomplished including an accounting of expenditures, within 60 days of the end of the grant period as indicated on the application cover sheet. Future funding is contingent on the submission of this report, without exception. Any funds remaining at the end of the grant period revert to the NEH Language Teaching Support Fund.

Apply Now.

Faculty should complete the online application and attach a single pdf that includes the project narrative and detailed budget. Decisions are aimed to be made by the end of each month but cannot be guaranteed.