Committee on Environmental Responsibility

Given that all dimensions of campus life and operations have environmental ramifications, and that environmental problem solving presents myriad educational opportunities, the CER was set up to represent a broad cross section of the campus community, including students, faculty and staff.


Bates formed its first formal working group of faculty, staff, and students to address environmental concerns in 1990. For over a decade the ad hoc committee advocated for environmental stewardship to play a greater role in College affairs. In 2004, the group re-shaped itself into the Environmental Task Force and was asked to review and make recommendations for strengthening the college’s environmental standing. The task force recommended establishing a standing committee and hiring a full time Environmental Coordinator. As a result, in 2006 the college hired an Environmental Coordinator and in 2007 the Committee on Environmental Responsibility was formally legislated.


The Committee on Environmental Responsibility (CER) has the following charge: (1) to raise environmental awareness among all constituents of the college, (2) to keep abreast of research and developments that pertain to institutional sustainability, (3) to recommend policies for adoption by the college, in order to promote conservation, energy efficiency and sustainable use of resources, (4) to assess the environmental state of the college on a regular basis, and (5) to report to the faculty on its findings and activities.

Last updated July 6, 2022


· Phil Dostie (ex officio)

· Paul Farnsworth (ex officio)

· Lisa Gilson (2021-2025)

· Doug Ginevan (ex officio)

· Garry Jenkins (ex officio)

· Cheryl Lacey (ex officio)

· Sandra Goff (2022-2026) (Chair)

· James Morrison (ex officio)

· Mary Pols (ex officio)

· Fatou Sanogo (2024-2027)

· Matt Thomas (ex officio)

· Christine Schwartz (ex officio)

· Geoff Swift (ex officio)

· Tom Twist (ex officio)