CBB: Pedagogy Matters

A collaborative teaching and learning space for Colby, Bates, and Bowdoin Colleges

Colby, Bates, and Bowdoin colleges are presenting a May Institute “Learning from our remote past” on May 26, 27, and 28, 2020 from 10:00 am – 3:30 pm each day. Morning sessions will present “Remote Teaching Spotlights” and each campus will provide institution specific programming in the afternoon. In between there will be “Birds of a Feather” lunches with different affinity groups each day. For zoom security reasons registration is required.

May Institute – CBB sessions

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Remote Teaching and Learning Spotlight (10:00am – 11:15am) 

Building Community. How does a class become a community of learners? Experience and discuss instructional strategies in remote learning contexts that build rapport and community among students and between students and the instructor. Katie Byrnes, Director of the Center for Learning and Teaching, Bowdoin College

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Remote Teaching and Learning Spotlight (10:00am – 11:15am)

Reaching Across the Divide: Fostering Communication in Remote Learning. This webinar will examine strategies and tools for cultivating communication with students. Additionally, we will have Bates faculty Adriana Salerno (Associate Professor of Mathematics) and Kirk Read (Professor of French and Francophone Studies) on hand to comment on their experiences using these and similar strategies to reach out to their students during the COVID-19 pivot to remote teaching. Shauna’h Fuegen, Senior Academic Technology Consultant, Grace Coulombe, Director of the Math & Statistics Workshop, and Andee Alford, Assistant Director of the Mathematics & Statistics Workshop, Bates College

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Remote Teaching and Learning Spotlight (10:00am – 11:15am)

Transparent Assignment Design and Rubric Development. Examine strategies to make remote assignments more transparent, and develop rubrics to make grading more meaningful for you and your students. Carol Hurney, Associate Provost of Faculty Development and Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, Colby College.

May Institute – Bates Sessions

Tuesday, May 26th at 1:15pm
Centering Equity, Inclusion, and Access: A Panel Discussion
Noelle Chaddock, April Hill, Abigail Nelson and Lisa Hardej

This discussion will help faculty center equity, inclusion, and access while navigating challenges and new possibilities facing our students when learning in a home environment. We know that in-person on-campus education is understood as the better mode of content delivery and learning – especially for a residential campus. The panelists will offer suggestions and best practices around making remote learning a vibrant experience for students. Participants will leave with the beginning of a framework for courses that help students thrive in your online classroom. 

Tuesday, May 26th at 2:30pm
From Assigning to Teaching Writing: Best Practices for Face-To-Face and Remote Teaching
Stephanie Wade, Bridget Fullerton, Daniel Sanford

In this interactive workshop, faculty from across and between the disciplines describe concrete practices they use to teach writing in FYS and W2 classes; Writing @ Bates staff pose questions to help participants apply these practices to their own classes with an eye towards the unique situation of remote teaching; and we conclude with a Q & A about the roles of writing in our classes and beyond. If you are able, please prepare by having a course or topic in mind.

Wednesday, May 27th at 1:15pm
Infusing Community-Engaged Work into a Remote Course
Darby Ray, Ellen Alcorn, Sam Boss, Andrew Mountcastle

Community-engaged learning is an evidence-based high impact teaching practice that has been shown to enhance student engagement in and mastery of course content. CEL often fosters connections and collaborations among students, catalyzes student agency, and supports universal design. This session provides an overview of CEL and shares options for remote CEL, including the new online platform, BatesConnect, which several faculty used successfully during Winter 2020 as part of remote instruction.

Wednesday, May 27th at 2:30pm
How to Create an Accessible Learning Environment Online (yes, it can be done and we’re here to support you!)
Abigail Nelson, Carson Dockum, Noelle Chaddock, and April Hill

Drawing from principles of inclusive design, student feedback, and best practices from experts in the field, this session will present tangible strategies for ensuring access for all students in an online format. While we will be focusing on considerations specific to remote learning, these strategies are applicable more generally and will be useful regardless of how we move forward in the fall. Opportunities for discussion, questions, and sharing from faculty members will be prioritized. We’ll also share resources and ways in which Accessible Education can support faculty through this planning period, including drop-in hours for consultation and troubleshooting.

Thursday, May 28th at 1:15pm
Learning Objectives and Assessment in a Remote Environments
Kika Stump

Topics: review best practice for developing course learning objectives and adaptations in remote environments; activities for engaging students with transparent course learning objectives; remote feedback & grading; academic integrity as well as a general sense of your course outcomes. Joined by Keiko Konoeda, Kristen Barnett, and Josh Rubin.

Thursday, May 28th at 2:30pm
Repurposing Assignments for Remote Instruction
Michael Hanrahan and Courtney Seymour

To help your students realize your learning objectives when adapting a course for remote delivery, you may need to revisit and repurpose your assignments. This session will focus on several key strategies and practices, including sequencing assignment activities and tasks in discrete manageable segments that reinforce the course’s overarching learning objectives. To help imagine how the process works, the session will provide specific examples of individual and group assignments that have been recrafted in a purposeful way for remote teaching.