BOC Meeting Minutes 10/23/2019

Hi all! 
Unfortunately, our friend and colleague Andrew Berg was unable to attend the meeting tonight so I stepped in to type up the happenings of the BOC! Read on for the updates on all that is going (if you just wanna see fun pics of what people have been up to scroll to the bottom!)
We start with a game involving nature and pudding. 

Announcements? Danielle asks.

Ronan responds:

Wilderness First Aid class is happening in 2 weeks! Sign up closes tonight! It will help you be prepared and fearless in all adventures to come!

(It is also a required certification to lead backcountry trips!) Sign up! It will be November 9th and 10th and costs 155. If cost is a barrier one can apply for personal expense fund through campus life- find this on the campus life website! If 5 more people sign up the cost will be lowered! Tell your friends! Tell your family! Tell everyone!

Milly and Chloe respond: 

Come to Tumbledown with us! It will be an awesome and exciting trip! Peak Foliage times atop Mt. Tumbledown (a local favorite!) Sign up with the link in the email!

Ken shares with us about the BOC centennial:

It is quickly approaching (merely 2 months away from 2020!) It will be happening all over the world but the Main(e) event is in the fall of 2020 and they want student input! Students make up the club and the Main(e) event is for the current club just as much as alumn – help make the centennial fun and relevant to student life today! Contact Ken Spalding if you are interested!

Danielle informs the group: 

If you are getting anything reimbursed for something (gas etc) you need receipts!! Receipts are 100% necessary, especially for gas!!

Also- if you want to buy something for the club and not have to get reimbursed you can use the campus life credit card! That way you avoid the whole reimbursement system and don’t have to front the cost!

Maggie responds: 

FallFest is coming! A week long celebration of Fall and Lewiston and Maine and each other! It will be November 3-9th and we already have awesome trips lined up! If you have any ideas or trips that you want to send out for FallFest email me (Maggie) or Danielle and we would love to put them on our calendar that will be posted around campus! Get excited!

Gear Proposals anyone?


Shall we spend $750 for 2 weeks, then earn it back in 2 weeks because it is merely a deposit that we get back?

Everyone says “Indubitably” and it is PASSED


Max shares a story about how humans and horses alike were trying to remove the Nova Scotia surf trip from a certain beach. Indeed, a difficult introduction to the sport. 

Alex shares with us a story about mountain biking with Jake and Owen. Not only did Jake run into his French professor at the top of this secret mountain biking spot but also Owen did not have a seat clamp so had to stand up during his whole mountain biking adventure. Yay for Jake, Sad for Owen, Laughs for Alex. 

Kate tells us about her Katahdin trip adventures with CDs filled with classic tunes (JLo etc) along with unlikely jams like Gertridge the Gruby. There was also a fellow who needed mac and cheese during peak storm stress- we’ve all been there. 

Photos below are sent in of various BOC adventures over fall break and otherwise! 
