Community Engagement

Built on mutual trust and understanding, Bates Campus Safety in partnership with the Bates Community works to foster meaningful relations with the diverse community we serve.
We do this through:

  1. Meaningful and ongoing relationship building, by conducting Campus Wide Community Engagement Foot Patrols, during these patrols we strive to ensure a strong connection with the students, faculty and staff that we serve by creating a safe place for brief engagements. Campus Safety Officers are always excited to hear about your day, provide connections to support services and to hear any concerns you may have good or bad. Remember, Community Safety is a partnership between Campus Safety and the community we serve.
  2. Being present and engaging at Community Events. Campus Safety understands creating a feeling of safety within our community means being present. We strive to be present and open to engagements during events and celebrations.
  3. Campus Safety Community Engagement Events. Campus Safety is proud to offer several Community Engagement Events during the academic year. We offer these welcoming events to a diverse student body where all are Welcomed! See the below sampling of our engagement events.
  4. By welcoming participation of a diverse community in all of our day to day contacts. We strive to build trust and mutual understanding through our engagements.

If you, your club, organization or department wish to partner with Campus Safety for one on one
conversations, presentations or events. Please contact Community Engagement Supervisor Mark Cayer at 207-786-6254 or

2023-2024 Community Engagement Events

Campus Safety Bicycle Registration

Our annual bicycle, scooter and skateboard registration event is held every year in September. Supervisor Paul Healy and Officer Jim Miclon lead this Community Engagement Event. If you have a bike, scooter or skateboard and would like to register them please contact Campus Safety and watch for upcoming events. This year’s event was held on September 25th, 2023 – 10:00AM to 2:00 PM. Registrations are important because they quickly provide Campus Safety the needed item descriptions, serial numbers and any identifying marks that could assist us in recovering your lost or stolen item. Don’t have a bike? Please stop by the next event and enter to win a new bike and lock from Campus Safety and our community partner Rainbow Bike. Everyone who registered a bike at the event was also entered into a drawing to win a Onguard U-Bolt bike lock. This year, 10 high quality locks were given away.

Kessler Students’ City Tour

Each year Campus Safety, in partnership with the Student Center for Belonging and Community, provides a City Tour with our incoming Kessler Students.

The 2023-2024 event included several city of Lewiston community partners. The partners are LA Arts, local artist, Maine Museum of Innovation, Learning and Labor. On the evening of the event, students visited the John Jenkins (74) Memorial Walking Bridge, and were provided a tour of the Maine Museum of Innovation, Learning and Labor, a walking tour with LA Arts learning about the local Arts Scene and attending the final Summer Art Walk where students experienced street performances, art exhibits including local murals from nationally recognized muralist and some great local foods.

Annual Bobcat-n-Brisket Smokeout

The annual Bobcat-n-Brisket Smokeout is our largest event of the year. This annual May event is held during Short Term. In support of connection and service to our students, Campus Safety Operations Manager John Heutz leads this event in partnership with faculty, Campus Life and the DCCE. The event features barbecue smoking displays, sampling throughout the day, student bands, lawn games and some really exciting student giveaways! This event is all about bring community together.

Where There’s Smoke, There’s BBQ. The first annual “Bobcats-N-Brisket ‘Smokeout.’”

Wednesday, May 11, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 
First-come first serve Tasting 3-4 p.m.
Located outside of Commons and brought to you by Campus Safety, the Department of Sociology, and D.C.C.E. (Dining, Conferences, and Campus Events).

Staffed by John Heutz, a Campus Safety Office supervisor who served as chef, Robin Graziano, a first cook for DCCE, and Mark Cayer, a community engagement supervisor for Campus Safety.

Student-to-Student Dorm/Campus Safety Messages

In partnership with our Office of Intercultural Education students and Campus Safety. A Safety messaging campaign is presented by our OIE students to help all students become partners in safety with Campus Safety.

Pet Therapy Sessions

Brought to you several times during the academic year by Campus Safety Access Control Suzy Nattress. Students will find an inviting and relaxing environment to de-stress in the company of Suzy’s four legged friends. This well attended event is always fun and helps students prepare for end of semester finals.

Campus Safety’s Holiday Luncheon

In partnership with International Student Program and Residential Life. Campus Safety provides a Holiday Luncheon to all students who remain on Campus during the Holiday Break. This year’s event promises to build community with good food, conversation and exciting holiday giveaways.