Library and Information Services Committee

Charge of the Committee: This committee shall sit as an advisory body to the vice president for information and library services and librarian, who shall be an ex officio member. It shall also serve the faculty as the committee of the first referral in all matters concerning the library and information services. Given the integrated nature of Library and Information Services, this committee also shall advise the information services management team on operations, programs, and operational information services plans and shall provide a forum to discuss problems and needs. In particular, this committee shall keep abreast of how information technologies, research, and pedagogy interact. Its responsibilities would include, but not be limited to, promoting student and faculty awareness of various issues concerning depositories such as, access to new software, access to a range of databases and other offerings at Ladd Library, innovations in digital humanities, best practices in information technologies, and increasing use of open access software. The committee shall evaluate access to resources, e.g., innovative approaches that might meet the challenges of needed but increasingly expensive course resources such as textbooks, classroom technologies, and software packages, as part of the college’s ongoing charge to increase inclusivity. The committee can propose legislation to the faculty on matters specially touching faculty concerns in computing and information technology, and it can discern faculty opinion on other library, technology, and information policy issues through discussion at faculty meetings.

Committee Members:

  • Mathieu Duvall (ex officio)
  • Jennifer Hamilton (chair)
  • Michael Hanrahan (ex officio)
  • Sue Houchins
  • Martin Kruse
  • Pat Schoknecht (ex officio)
  • Eileen Zimmerman (ex officio)