Allocation of Faculty Resources

The Academic Affairs Council (AAC) is tasked with the judicious allocation of resources that support the academic mission of Bates College. This work takes many forms, but includes allotting tenure-track and nontenure-track faculty positions to academic units and deciding which units will have access to replacement or additional courses in a particular academic year. The members of the AAC consider many factors in making their decisions and the information contained on this web page is meant to help academic units articulate their forecasted needs.

Three-Year Plan

The AAC has asked all chairs to complete these plans annually. If an academic unit is seeking course replacements, please request them using the 3-year plan.

Faculty Line Proposals, Lectureship Reauthorizations, and Lectureship Renewals

For details on the current line allocation calls, please see the AAC’s May 24, 2022 message to the faculty.

Past allocation calls: