Committee on Race, Power, Privilege, and Colonialism

Committee Charge: There shall be an ad hoc Committee on Race, Power, Privilege, and Colonialism composed of one faculty member elected from each division. The committee shall review and approve the RPPC designation for courses (new courses still require approval by the Curriculum Review Committee (CRC)) using an RPPC-attribute designation form provided by AAC, and may provide support to faculty as they develop courses to meet this attribute. The ad hoc committee shall be in regular communication with CRC. The ad hoc committee shall be attentive to inequities among faculty offering these courses and help ensure equity within units regarding which faculty are offering these courses. This ad hoc committee shall exist through AY 2026-2027, at which time designation of the RPPC attributes and related tasks shall be the responsibility of CRC.

Committee Members:

  • Ian-Khara Ellasante (Gender and Sexuality Studies) for the Interdisciplinary Programs Division
  • April Horton (Biology) for the Natural Sciences and Mathematics Division
  • Seulgie Lim (Politics) for the Social Sciences Division
  • Stephanie Kelley-Romano (Rhetoric, Film, and Screen Studies) for the Humanities Division