Honors Deadlines for German Studies

Deadlines for students applying for Honors in German:


1. Application to Honors and Pre-proposal

Students declare their intent to apply for Honors in German by the first Monday of the Fall Semester. The application is available here: Honors Student Application Form. A 3.5 GPA in the major is required.

2. Narrative Proposal

A 3-5 page narrative proposal must be submitted to the advisor by October 1 of the Fall Semester. The narrative proposal should include the thesis topic or question, the methodology to be used, a list of the key components to be addressed in the thesis, and a preliminary bibliography of at least 20 works. Members of the department read the narrative proposal and inform the student of any problems with the materials submitted. In the event that a student is asked to revise and resubmit, she or he must do so by the first Monday after the October break.

3. Draft of a Chapter

A draft of a chapter must be submitted to the advisor by the last day of classes in the Fall Semester. The draft must be approved by the department, which informs the student of its decision during the first week of the Winter Semester. If approved, the department nominates the student to the Honors Program by the end of the first week of Winter Semester.

4. Presentation

Students doing Honors in German make a presentation to the department during the week after February break.

5. Completion of Thesis and Oral Exam

Students should consult the Honors Program calendar for the remaining deadlines: submission of completed thesis for Honors panel readers, oral defense dates, and final submission.

See also Honors Expectations in German Studies