HCCP: Bonner Racial Justice Fellow (S99815)

Summary, Scope, and Responsibilities

Bonner Racial Justice Fellows develop community engagement relationships and opportunities that center the vision and leadership of BIPOC students and that strengthen connections between the College and community organizations that prioritize racial equity, justice, and healing. Fellows meet weekly to learn from each other and from Lewiston/Auburn BIPOC community members, and they identify and develop ideas, partnerships, and potential projects that respond to both student interests and community needs. Fellows also lead a small pilot project designed to encourage Bates students of color to show and grow their community knowledge and skills while contributing to community-identified needs. Finally, Fellows develop recommendations for how BIPOC-centered community engagement might be better integrated into the culture and programming of the OIE and the Harward Center going forward, and they serve as advocates for high-level community engagement in both contexts. Full participation in the program includes weekly meetings and collaborative work, occasional skill and knowledge building webinars offered by the Bonner Foundation, occasional reflective writing designed to enhance self-awareness and collaborative learning, and a demonstrated commitment to collaborative work with other participants.


The Basics

Department:Harward Center Community Partnerships
Supervisor: Hamza Abdi
Office Location: 161 Wood Street
Email: habdi@bates.edu
Pay Grade:
Hours: 3
Workers: 4

Qualifications, Requirements, and Responsibilities


Learn about the work of local off-campus BIPOC-serving organizations, including the identification of opportunities for Bates student involvement in their work. Consult with OIE staff and students about their experiences with and hopes for off-campus community engagement in the Lewiston Auburn area. Develop a strategic plan for integrating community engagement into the culture and programs of the OIE. Organize, implement, and assess a community engagement pilot project for OIE students. Develop recommendations for Harward Center and OIE staff for optimal integration of community engagement into the OIE. Serve as points of information and support for OIE students interested in learning more about or participating in community engagement. Attend regular team meetings.


Successful candidates will have a demonstrated commitment to racial equity, justice, and healing and experience working with BIPOC communities. They will possess good organizational and people skills and demonstrate an ability to attend to detail.


They will work with Harward Center and OIE staff, other Bonner Racial Justice Fellows, a range of OIE students, and one or more BIPOC-serving community organizations.

Working Conditions