SA: BCSG Committee Selection Board Member (S99826)

Summary, Scope, and Responsibilities

The Bates College Student Government (BCSG) Committee Selection Board selecta Bates students to serve on Bates committees and boards with student positions. CSB works together and communicates with Bates faculty and staff to make sure that CSB is running efficiently and that student positions on committees and boards are filled. CSB practices being an impartial body when hiring for the various committees and boards and aims to select the best candidates for the various positions. CSB Members play a crucial role in this process. Members may work between 1 and 6 hours per week, depending on overall committee workload.

Leadership Development
Leadership development at Bates is defined by a framework describing seven leadership capacities (Bates Leads Framework). Campus Life embeds the Bates Leads Framework into its student positions. One outcome of being a CSB member is to develop and improve these leadership skills. The following competencies are most relevant to this position:

Consciousness of Self and Impact: Awareness of one’s beliefs, values, attitudes, and emotions; recognition that these are shaped by cultural context and other external forces. Self-awareness, including one’s inherited and positional power and privilege. Awareness of one’s impact on individuals and community, recognizing the impact of each action and inaction.
Members of the CSBwill be most successful if they are able to know their own strengths and apply that knowledge to their work with other members of the CSB, student applicants, and the community. This includes considering the impact of one’s words and actions on others and communities, including how interviews are conducted, selection decisions made, and communicating information to all stakeholders involved.

Commitment: The passion, energy, creativity, and follow-through one brings to ideas, pursuits, and collective goals.
This position involves a high level of responsibility, and requires individuals to hold themselves and others accountable by meeting deadlines, attending meetings and are committed to producing the best work possible.

Collaboration: Working reciprocally with others. Working across differences to achieve a shared goal. Bringing multiple perspectives, diverse experiences, and individual creativity to bear on a pursuit.
This position requires working with CSB members, constituents, and various members of the Bates community, including senior staff and faculty members.

Common Purpose: Cultivating a shared goal, direction, and sense of responsibility.
This position requires setting overall goals for CSB, and working with Bates community members to create a shared sense of purpose and responsibility.

Controversy: Acknowledging conflict, controversy, and dissent as opportunities for new insight, or new direction or deeper relationships. Disagreeing with others in a spirit of curiosity and learning. Disagreeing or dissenting from the norm without dehumanizing others.
At times, CSB members may disagree with each other or with the Bates community members they are working with. It is crucial in these moments to communicate honestly, openly, respect

The Basics

Department:Bates College Student Government
Supervisor: Kim Trauceniek
Office Location: 96 Campus Ave
Pay Grade:
Hours: 1-6
Workers: 4

Qualifications, Requirements, and Responsibilities


Attending CSB meetings; Reading committee applications Interviewing candidates; Helping to select qualified applicants for the open positions on various committees and boards; As assigned, coordinating and communicating with student applicants and stakeholders, setting up a selection process by making and distributing applications, and scheduling and conducting interviews; Leadership Development


Timely in presence and communications (ability to respond to emails within 24 hours unless special circumstance arises); Honest, flexible, responsible, dedicated, and level-headed; Comfortable with and proficient in public speaking with small-to-medium audiences; Excellent oral communication skills; Willingness to learn and make changes based on recommendations of other members and/or Campus Life staff; Passion in cultivating an equitable and inclusive environment; Ability to work with diverse populations


CSB Members are directly supervised by the CSB Chair(s), and work closely with Campus Life staff. Bates Kim Trauceniek, Senior Associate Dean of Students for Campus Life serves as the advisor and manager of the Committee Selection Board (CSB). The CSB is held to the mission of Campus Life and the Bates Student Code. Campus Life staff provide support and guidance to all members of the CSB.

Working Conditions

CSB members can expect to work in a collaborative environment with other CSB members. CSB members will conduct in-person and Zoom meetings and interviews throughout the academic year. Meetings and interviews are often after 5pm and on weekends. Hours will vary throughout the semester, depending on committee needs and projects.