Completing Late Timesheets (Adobe Sign)

If a student or staff member has not opened their timesheet during a pay period, it will be automatically submitted for approval to their supervisor after the submission deadline has passed. Students and staff members should speak with their supervisor before completing an  Adobe Sign Student Timesheet if they did not submit or need to correct their timesheet, as the supervisor has the ability to edit the Garnet Gateway timesheet.

Upon receiving the Garnet Gateway timesheet, the supervisor will review the timesheet for accuracy, making edits, entries, and comments as needed. The supervisor will then approve the timesheet, and if the student or staff member must submit an Adobe Sign Student Timesheet, then they must provide the following information:

  • First and Last Name
  • Bates ID #
  • Position #
  • Position Title
  • Pay Period End Date
  • Hours You Worked
  • Reason for the Adobe Sign timesheet:
    • Forgot to fill out timesheet, don’t have a timesheet on Garnet Gateway, etc.
  • Participant 2 – Supervisor’s name and email
    • Ensure your supervisor signs off on the timesheet before submitting it

Once the student or staff member has completed and signed the timesheet, they will need to provide their supervisor’s first name, last name, and Bates email. They will receive a confirmation email where they must verify their email address. Once their email address has been confirmed, the timesheet will then be sent to the supervisor for their approval and signature. Once the timesheet is approved, the student or staff member will receive a final email from Adobe Sign with the approved timesheet attached to the email. The Payroll Office will also receive the completed Adobe Sign timesheet.

Please review the Steps for Adobe Sign Timesheet process document if you have questions regarding how to complete an Adobe Sign Student Timesheet. 

If you need to know your position number or title, you can find the information on Garnet Gateway. In the example below, the student’s position title is underlined in red, and their position number is circled in blue. The pay period end date can also be found on Garnet Gateway in the drop-down box listing the pay period dates, and the status, to the right on the screenshot below. Also, the pay period dates can be found on the 2024 Bi-Weekly Student Payroll Calendar.

Note: If you forget to submit your electronic timesheet three times, you can be subject to termination of employment