Nominate A Student To Become A Writing or Language Tutor

Do you have a student who showed perseverance and resourcefulness with their writing or language-learning processes in your class? Do you know an empathetic, encouraging, and dynamic collaborator who enjoys writing or talking about writing–or learning about and speaking a second language–with others? One of the most effective ways we find tutors for the Student Writing & Language Center is through faculty, staff, and student (peer) nominations.


NOTE: You must be logged in with your Bates credentials to access the Google Form.

Once you submit a nomination, we will reach out to the student, let them know they’ve been nominated, and encourage them to apply (if they haven’t already) or set up an interview with them (if they have applied). All students must complete an application and interview with us to be considered for the position of tutor.

Do you have questions about nominating a student to work as a tutor for SWLC? Please reach out to us at

Thank you for nominating a student today!