Safety in all of our creative spaces is of paramount importance to all of us working in the Bates Department of Theater and Dance–in every capacity.  In this section of the handbook, you will find many documents which address specific safety protocols, practices, and helpful information.  


Slips, Trips, and Falls are the most common source of workplace injuries and fatalities, and our challenging spaces and activities can increase these risks.  These include  personal injury, injury to others, damage to equipment and facilities. 

Some Common Causes of Injuries: 

  • Untidy, physically blocked, or cluttered spaces
  • Lack of proper training  
  • Misunderstanding  
  • Consciously ignoring safety procedures 
  • Poor planning
  • Fatigue  
  • Not staying focused on your work or being distracted
  • Hurrying  
  • Taking unnecessary risks  
  • Using equipment that has not been properly maintained


  • Know the location of the nearest first-aid station, phone, fire extinguisher, fire alarm pull station, emergency call box, and fire exit at all times  
  • Horseplay, practical jokes, misusing facilities or equipment, risk-taking, and any other potentially dangerous activities are not permitted  
  • Know the limits of the body and how to prevent injuries. (e.g. When lifting heavy objects, lift with the legs while keeping your back as vertical as possible.)  
  • Please report to the instructor or supervisor any pre-existing medical conditions that may affect performance to avoid injury (e.g. back problems, neurological problems, etc.)  
  • No one will be permitted to use the Dept. facilities while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.  Understand the influence of any medication which might impair your judgment.  
  • Always use the “buddy system” when doing anything in the building and/or walking home outside of normal business hours.  
  • Any identified safety hazard must be clearly marked and every effort made to make it accident-proof.  If you find a new safety hazard please bring it to the attention of the appropriate member of our staff, or the Managing Director Michael Reidy (
  • The facility must be kept clean and organized AT ALL TIMES. All equipment must be returned to its proper storage location after use.  
  • Doorways, stairwells, hallways, and aisles must be kept clear at all times. 
  • All onstage stairways, ramps, entrances, and exits that may be affected by blackouts shall be indicated using luminous tape. All offstage stairways, ramps, entrances, and exits that may be affected by blackouts shall be illuminated by low wattage running lights and shall also have a railing if higher than twelve inches. 

Training, certification, and an understanding of manufacturer instructions is essential for safe tool and equipment use.  Training on equipment will be regularly offered as needed.


Portable first aid kits, stocked with adequate supplies and first aid information, will be accessible in rehearsal spaces and the theaters, for very minor injuries–such as cuts and scrapes, headaches, etc.

In the event of a medical emergency, call  Bates Emergency Medical Services (EMS) phone (207) 786-6111 (x6111); stay with the injured person; if qualified, provide medical treatment; do NOT attempt to move the patient unless necessary.

For every accident which requires Bates EMS, a visit to the Bates Health Center phone (207)786-6199, or any other hospital emergency room phone 911, there should be an incident report filed with the Department of Theater & Dance Technical Director Justin Moriarty ( and Bates Director of Safety. 

Incident Reports for Bates


Bates has policies for the following potential emergencies.  They are listed here, and can also be found on the  Bates Emergency Action Policies page.

In the event of a Fire:

  • Pull the alarm and evacuate the building immediately (If qualified use an extinguisher)
  • After evacuation, if possible call x6111 to give further information
  • Gather and wait at the prearranged meeting area (the Lane Hall Parking Lot)
  • DO NOT re-enter until the “All Clear” has been given

If Observing a Crime, Act of Violence, or Suspicious Condition:

  • Call x6111 to provide information
  • Intervene only if it can be done safely
  • If it is unsafe, evacuate the area immediately

In the Event of an Accident in a College or Rental Vehicle:

  • Call the police and request services needed
  • Secure the scene
  • Obtain and provide vehicle, driver, and insurance information
  • File a report with Campus Safety as soon as possible

If a Disaster is Declared:

  • Activate department call trees
  • Activate department Emergency Plan
  • Follow the instructions of Emergency Responders and Officials

The College also has Active Shooter Protocols, including a helpful video and extensive information.  Please review the content before this vital information could be needed.


This information applies to anyone using the Scene Shop, Costume Shop, and theaters for work calls.  Risks can include cuts, scrapes, & punctures, hearing damage, eye injuries, and respiratory problems. 

  • Avoid wearing loose or baggy clothing when working in the shops or on stage. Jeans or other durable pants are preferred for work calls. It is generally recommended to keep a set of clothes solely for work in the shops.  
  • Loose, large or dangling jewelry should not be worn while working in the shops or onstage during work calls.  
  • Long hair should be covered or tied out of the way so it does not become tangled in equipment.  Proper footwear should be worn at all times during work calls. (e.g. When working in the Scene Shop sandals and other loose fitting footwear is not permitted. Sneakers or work boots are acceptable and hard sole shoes are preferred).  
  • Proper eye protection must be worn when using power equipment.  
  • Hearing protection should be used when noise levels are high—see Technical Director for advice about when to wear hearing protection.  
  • Dust/particle masks are available in the Scene Shop.  Approved respirators should only be worn by persons who have been tested and fitted with such an apparatus.  
  • Skin absorbs solvents, bleaches, and other chemicals easily and can cause lasting health problems. Prevent any contact with these chemicals by using protective gloves, which are kept in the paint area of the scene shop.
  • At the end of each work call wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.


Fire safety is a vital part of theater safety, and is applicable in many areas of our work. Please be mindful of the following guidelines, rules and procedures to ensure a safe environment.

General Fire Safety:

  • Know the location of the nearest fire extinguisher, fire alarm pull station, and fire exit at all times.  
  • Approved ABC fire extinguishers must be inspected at regular intervals and must be clearly accessible.  
  • Smoking is not permitted in all Bates Theater and Dance facilities. 
  • Flammable liquids and aerosols should be stored in approved storage cabinets.

In the Theaters/Performance Spaces:

  • Smoking and live flame should not be used on stage unless approved by the Technical Director.  
  • Each production company will discuss fire safety and walk-through the facility at the first rehearsal to cover essential fire safety information.  
  • Each production team, under the supervision of the Technical Director, will review potential risks and establish a plan for minimizing these risks.  Each production company will practice, at least once, an evacuation plan during the technical rehearsal process in the event of a fire during performance.  
  • Fire extinguishers, aisles, stairwells, and approved exit doors should be checked by the House Manager prior to each performance. A printed checklist should be used and kept on file in the Box Office.  
  • The theaters, rehearsal rooms, and shops spaces should be kept clean of flammable debris at all times.   
  • Lighting units and cable should be kept in proper order. Non-UL listed lighting equipment should not be used on stage without the Technical Director’s approval.  
  • Stage scenery: All wood surfaces, fabric, and other combustibles should be treated with approved flame retardant or painted.  
  • Stage drapery: All stage draperies should be treated with a flame retardant material or be inherently or permanently flame resistant. These draperies must display notification of compliance. 
  • Smoking and live flame should not be used on stage unless approved by the Technical Director.  
  • Each production company will discuss fire safety and walk-through the facility at the first rehearsal to cover essential fire safety information.  
  • Each production team, under the supervision of the Technical Director, will review potential risks and establish a plan for minimizing these risks.  Each production company will practice, at least once, an evacuation plan during the technical rehearsal process in the event of a fire during performance.  
  • Fire extinguishers, aisles, stairwells, and approved exit doors should be checked by the House Manager prior to each performance. A printed checklist should be used and kept on file in the Box Office.  
  • The theaters, rehearsal rooms, and shops spaces should be kept clean of flammable debris at all times.   
  • Lighting units and cable should be kept in proper order. Non-UL listed lighting equipment should not be used on stage without the Technical Director’s approval.  
  • Stage scenery: All wood surfaces, fabric, and other combustibles should be treated with approved flame retardant or painted.  
  • Stage drapery: All stage draperies should be treated with a flame retardant material or be inherently or permanently flame resistant. These draperies must display notification of compliance. 


Bates College has Active Shooter Protocols, including a helpful video and extensive information.  Please review the content before this vital information could be needed.


The use of weaponry onstage requires great care, attention and maintenance.  Coordination between the Managing Director, Props people, and Run Crews is vital to keep weapons safe for all-actors and audiences included.

  • The Department prohibits the use of all blank firing weapons in rehearsals, performances, directing scenes, thesis projects, classroom work, etc., without express clearance from the Managing Director (Michael Reidy). 
  • Firing of blanks during a performance or rehearsal requires specific training and handling protocols. Weapons without firing capabilities are acceptable, such as cap guns, toy guns, cast or fabricated guns, and deactivated firearms with manufacturer blocked barrels, and should also be cleared through the Managing Director.
  •  All firearms must be presented to the Managing Director for approval before use in rehearsals, performances, directing scenes, thesis projects, classroom work, etc.  The Managing Director is responsible for storing and ordering all prop weaponry, to ensure it adheres to proper safety protocols and standards.  
  • Weapons should always be inspected by the Technical Director before rehearsals and  performances to ensure that they are in proper condition and safe to operate.
  • Prop weapons are not to be removed from Schaeffer or Pettigrew performance spaces without permission.  
  • When not in use, any prop firearm must be locked in a cabinet or lockbox.
  • For Fight Choreography such as swordfighting, it is vital to secure authorization from the Managing Director or Fight Choreographer that any bladed weapons are sturdy enough for physical contact with any other objects.  


We have a great deal of useful and targeted safety data sheets available for all.  Below you will find links to safety data sheet folders organized by the following categories, and containing the following topics:

Please take the time to explore any relevant content to help you and your colleagues stay safe!

Rehearsal and Performance Space Safety:

Scenic and Lighting Safety:

Costume Shop and Dressing Room Safety: