Talking Points for Faculty about SASC Services

Looking for more than just our syllabus blurb? We invite you to share the following talking points/facts about SASC with your students.

Download: Talking Points (pdf)

What is the Student Academic Support Center (SASC)?

  • SASC is a support center that offers assistance for introductory and intermediate level courses in various subjects including mathematics, statistics, programming, natural sciences, life sciences, music theory, and quantitative social sciences.
  • In addition to content support, SASC offers help with study skills, note-taking, time management, and organization.
  • Our services are for all Bates students; SASC is not a remedial center.
  • It is conveniently located in the Peer Learning Commons on the ground floor of Ladd Library.

Drop-In Support Hours

  • SASC provides drop-in support during specific hours throughout the week.  
  • No appointment is necessary.
  • The drop-in support hours are as follows:
    • Mondays – Thursdays:  11am – 4pm and 6pm – 9pm
    • Fridays:  11am – 3pm
    • Sundays: 6pm – 9pm

Embedded Course-Attached Tutor (CAT) Support

  • SASC embeds Course-Attached Tutors (CATs) in courses across the curriculum that have a high demand for tutoring.
  • Depending on the course, CATs may attend class and assist during active learning activities.
  • CATs provide weekly evening help sessions/study groups for their assigned class section.
  • CATs are available to hold private appointments with students enrolled in their assigned class section.

Inclusive and Welcoming Environment

  • SASC embraces the values of inclusivity, diversity, and accessibility.
  • Everyone is welcome at SASC, regardless of their background or academic level.
  • Students do not have to be struggling to come to SASC!

Collaborative Learning

  • SASC aims to model and foster collaborative learning among students.
  • We encourage students to work together, exchange ideas, and learn from one another.
  • By promoting a collaborative environment, SASC enhances the learning experience and facilitates deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Safe Academic Space

  • SASC provides a safe space for academic exploration and growth.
  • Students are encouraged to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them as part of the scholarly process.

Learner-Centered Approach

  • SASC is committed to meeting the individual needs of each student.
  • We understand that building knowledge requires a diversity of approaches and perspectives.

Transformational Experience

  • SASC aims to provide transformational rather than transactional experiences.
  • We go beyond simply offering resources and assistance; we seek to inspire and empower students.
  • SASC strives to create an environment where students can grow academically, intellectually and personally.