More halal food please!

More halal food please!

My Muslim friends have been unable to get enough protein due to the almost complete lack of Halal options at Commons, some more options would be fantastic!

Each year we meet with representatives from the Muslim Student Association and the Bates Multifaith Chaplaincy to ensure that we are meeting the needs of students following a halal diet. As a result of these meetings, we have made permanent changes to the menu. We have always had protein options that fit into a halal diet at all meals, including vegan entrees, hard boiled eggs and tuna on the salad bar, nut butters and yogurts, and fish and seafood frequently. This year we expanded to include halal chicken on the salad bar at all meals, which can be made into a sandwich filling or added to salads, pasta, pizza, soups, or vegan entrees to make them more hearty. We also serve halal meat sauce to the pasta bar at all times. Finally, there is an entrée made with halal beef or chicken at every dinner. All of the items made with halal beef or chicken include “Hm” on the labels, for identification.

During Ramadan we add students observing the holiday to the grab and go list so that they can pick up containers and bring items from Commons back to their rooms for Suhoor before sunrise each day. We also add dates to the Choices cooler during this period and send cases of raw cashews and almonds to the Multifaith Chaplaincy where those observing Ramadan can pick them up.


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