The Election Connection

In addition to a comprehensive program of voter education, registration, and mobilization (@BatesVotes), Bates offers an array of election-related programs designed to stimulate learning and discussion and to support informed civic action. The list below will be updated periodically during the 2024 election cycle.

For the complete list of campus-sponsored Elections 2024 programs, please visit:

2024 Elections:

2024 “I Voted” Sticker Design Contest – Deadline October 1 at 5pm

Back by popular demand, the Harward Center is sponsoring another “I Voted” Sticker Design Contest, open to Bates students for submission. For guidelines and to submit, please visit:

2024 Bates Votes Public Memory Project

Across generations and over many elections, our collective experiences may differ about what it means to vote and why.  Over the years, presidential elections have energized and captured the attention of American voters.  While people vote for many different reasons, at the Harward Center, we’re leaning into the idea that voting is an act of care for one’s community – regardless of party, ideology, or candidate.  In that spirit, we invite the Bates community to share brief reflections to inspire and engage our campus ahead of the 2024 elections.  

  • What was your first memory involving voting?
  • What can you remember about the first time you voted?
  • What does voting mean to you? 

The Harward Center for Community Partnerships and the student-led Bates Votes voter engagement initiative, hopes to select several stories to share over social media and on the 2024 Election Connection website.  Please consider submitting your comments along with a video, photo, or an image you’d like to share.  Submission to this form gives the Harward Center and Bates Votes permission to share your submission over social media, and will be shared with Muskie Archives for historical records. To submit, please complete this form:

Please contact if you’d like to participate, but would like support developing your submission.