Jack Nicholson (American, b.1937)

Nicholson is undoubtedly one of the most impactful actors in American history, with three Academy Awards for Best Actor to his name and a record 12 nominations. The son of a showgirl from New Jersey, Nicholson broke out in the influential counter-cultural film Easy Rider from 1969 alongside Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper. While his roles have spanned a wide range of character types, Nicholson is probably best known for his portrayals of rebels against the status quo or unhinged antagonists. 
His portrait in this exhibition comes from his performance as The Joker in Tim Burton’s 1987 film Batman, a role that remains one of Nicholson’s favorites. His iconic performance as the maniacal Clown Prince of Crime was a key component to the success of the film and helped to revive interest in the character for years after its release. Although additional acclaim came after this role, Batman remains the highest grossing film that Nicholson has ever appeared in.