Seeking Nominations for Excellence in Community Engagement

We are so pleased to announce that we will once again host our annual Awards Celebration!  Please save the date of May 6, 2024 from 4:30-6:00pm at the Muskie Archives and stay tuned for more details.

In the spirit of acknowledging their commitment to civic engagement and the amazing work they have done, we invite nominations for Bates students, employees, and community partners who have made noteworthy contributions to community-engaged academic work, community partnerships, activism, or community volunteerism and leadership. Nominations should make use of the appropriate nomination sheet (see below) and are due on Friday, April 5, 2024 at 4pm.  Self nominations are welcome.

Nominations are sought for the following awards:

Student Award for Outstanding Academic Community Engagement: presented to a Bates College student, typically a senior, who has undertaken outstanding community-engaged academic work. Such work can happen through a course, research, or other academic experience, but should involve faculty guidance, significant academic accomplishment, and meaningful community impact. May be awarded to more than one student.

Student Award for Outstanding Community Volunteerism and Leadership: presented to a Bates College student who has undertaken outstanding community volunteerism and leadership. The award recognizes particularly strong commitments to reciprocal partnerships and significant impact. May be awarded to more than one student.

Student Activism Award: presented to a Bates College student who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to an important issue or cause through activism and advocacy. The award recognizes grassroots activism that engages members of the Bates and/or wider community in collective social change work.

Award for Outstanding Community Engagement by a First-Year Student (“Rookie of the Year Award”): presented to a Bates College student who has undertaken outstanding community-engaged academic work, community volunteerism, activism, or leadership during their first year at Bates.  The award recognizes particularly strong commitments to respectful partnerships and significant impact.

Faculty Award for Outstanding Community-Engaged Work: presented to a faculty member who has demonstrated extraordinary commitment to community-engaged teaching, public scholarship, and/or collaborative work for the public good.

Staff Award for Community Volunteerism, Leadership or Engagement: presented to a member of the Bates College staff who demonstrates outstanding commitment to community volunteerism and leadership.

Community Partner Award for Outstanding New Initiative: presented to a community organization or its representative(s) for an outstanding new initiative that includes a partnership with Bates students and produces significant community impact. Eligible initiatives might be new initiatives of an established organization, or entirely new initiatives growing from new organizational roots.

Outstanding Community Project/Partnership: presented to a group of partners (community organization or its representative; Bates College faculty, staff, students; other relevant partners) for an outstanding community project or partnership.

Please send completed nomination forms to Kristen Cloutier by 4pm on April 5.