Inclusion & Accessibility Guidelines

Event/program planners should bring an accessibility and inclusion lens to their planning process. The following are things to consider, in order to make your event/program as accessible as possible to every potential attendee.

We highly encourage you to review the National Association for Campus Activities (NACA) Inclusive Programming Guide, as well as the NACA Inclusive Presenter Guidelines as reference materials when planning an event or program.

Event/Program Location

  • Is this building/space accessible for folks who, for example, may have difficulty using stairs or who may use a wheelchair? If it is technically accessible, is it equitable? For example, can all attendees use the same entrance and access a restroom regardless of ability or gender identity? 
  • Stairs, narrow doorways and hallways, and lack of accessible and/or all-gender bathrooms are often barriers to access.
  • Is the space equipped with technology to amplify the voice(s) of the speaker(s)/performer(s)?


  • If your event/program involves a screening, is closed captioning available and turned on?
  • If you have presentation slides, is the text legible from anywhere in the space? Consider font choice and font size.

Virtual Events and Programs

  • Consider how you will caption the speech of the speaker(s)/performer(s). Google Hangouts Meet and Zoom both have satisfactory auto-captions built in; otherwise work with Campus Life to book a live captioner.


  • Add an advisement to your marketing for the event/program, informing people what accommodations are available for attendees, and/or how to inquire about accommodations.