FYE Workshops

First-Year Experience (FYE) Workshops

These workshops are an important component of the First-Year Experience, and they re-engage the 6 values initially introduced through your Summer Resources Lyceum Page (which you will continue to have access to throughout your first year at Bates). These FYE workshops explore learning strategies and support resources that are available to you to help you succeed during  your first semester and throughout your time at Bates, e.g., time management, inclusive group work, stress management strategies, etc.

There are 8 Lyceum-based workshops in total, the first of which you should engage with during the first meeting of your First-Year Seminar during New Student Orientation (i.e., on Friday, August 30, 2024) between 9 AM and 11 AM. We encourage you to engage with all of these workshops before the November 2024 recess.

We recommend that you engage with the workshops on the following timetable and the FYE team will send you email reminders to review and complete each workshop throughout the Fall 2024 semester. Your FYS instructor may also have you engage with these workshops as part of your FYS, and you should follow the schedule that they recommend. But, if they do not recommend a particular schedule, then here is what the FYE team recommends:

  • Friday, August 30 (New Student Orientation Meeting of your FYS): Resources and Supports at Bates
  • Week of September 9: Note Taking
  • Week of September 16: Time Management
  • Week of September 23: Inclusive Group Work
  • Week of October 7: Study Skills
  • Week of October 14: Indigenous Communities of Maine and Bates’s Ongoing Commitments to Equity and Inclusion
  • Week of October 28: Academic Planning and Winter 2025 Course Registration
  • Week of November 4: Stress Management and Well-Being Strategies

Your FYS instructor will also have access to these workshops, so they can read your written reflections (which some of the workshops include) as well as whether you have engaged with the workshop materials.  Don’t be surprised if your FYS instructor discusses this material in class or asks you about ideas you note in your written reflections.