Groups and Grouping

Instructors have the ability to section students into groups within their Lyceum course. This allows the restriction of certain activities, as well as assignment submission, to certain groups.

Creating Groups

  1. Select the gear on the right-hand side of the course homepage and select ‘More…’ at the bottom of the list
  1. Select ‘Users’ from the Course administration menu and then ‘Groups’
  1. From the Groups menu, you will first need to create the groups that you would like to section the students into. This can be as many groups as you would like, but you will need to create them one-by-one. Note: it is recommended that a student should be part of only one group. If you need students to be part of multiple groups we recommend consulting with CRC for best practices. Select ‘Create group’
  1. Within the General settings page for this group, add a group name. You can also add a description and picture for this group. The ‘Group messaging’ option is defaulted to ‘no’ but if you would like the group to have the ability to message each other within Lyceum, select ‘yes’ and ‘Save changes’ at the bottom of the page
  1. You will now have the ability to add users to this group. Select ‘Add/remove users’
  1. You will then be directed to the Add/remove users settings page, where you can see the participants listed in the ‘Potential members’ field. Select the participant(s) you would like to add to the group. You can select multiple users by holding the command (Mac) or control (Windows) key. Once the names of these users are highlighted in blue, select ‘Add’
  1. You will then see these participants populated in the ‘Group members’ field
  1. Select ‘Back to groups’ at the bottom fo the page once you are done completing your group. Repeat this process as many times as you need to create your number of groups. Once finished, you will see all of your groups in in the ‘Groups’ field

Removing a User from Groups

If you accidentally add a student to an incorrect group, you can remove them just as easily and add them to the correct group:

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 above. Select the group you would like to edit in the ‘Groups’ field. Once this group is highlighted blue, select ‘Add/remove users’
  1. Select the users you would like to remove under the ‘Group members’ field. Once they are highlighted blue, select ‘Remove’. You will now see that user in the ‘Potential members’ field. You can also add any other user to that same group. Select ‘Back to groups’ once you are finished

Creating Groupings

Along with adding students to certain groups, you can also add those groups into separate groupings (which are groups of groups). This can be exceptionally helpful for courses with a large group of students. An example; you teach an ‘Art of Language’ course, and separate the students into groups. You then want to categorize certain groups into ‘Listening’, ‘Reading’, ‘Speaking’ and ‘Writing’. To add groups into groupings, follow these steps:

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 in the Creating Groups section above. Select ‘Groupings’
  1. Similar to groups, you must create your groupings before adding the groups to them. Select ‘Create grouping’
  1. Add a title and description for this grouping and select ‘Save changes’. You will now see your groupings listed in the ‘Grouping’ field. To add groups to a grouping, select the ‘Show groups in grouping icon’ to the right
  1. You will be directed to the ‘Add/remove groups’ page. This is similar to adding users to a group. Follow steps 6 to 8 from Creating Groups section above to add groups to a grouping. Follow steps 1 and 2 from Removing a User from Groups above to remove groups from a grouping

Restricting Activities to Certain Groups/Groupings

As mentioned above, an instructor has the ability to restrict certain activities to certain groups or groupings:

  1. Turn editing on for your Lyceum course page. Locate the activity you would like to make viewable only to certain groups and select ‘Edit‘ and ‘Edit settings’. Once you are on the activities settings page, locate the ‘Restrict access’ tab. Note this may be in a different location for different activities ( i.e. assignments, quizzes, etc.)
  1. Select the ‘Add restriction…’
  1. You will be presented with a list of restrictions, select ‘Groups’ if you would like to make this available to only certain groups. Select ‘Grouping’ if you would like to make this available to only certain groupings
  1. If you selected ‘Group’ or ‘Grouping’, you will have to select the group/grouping you’d like to add this restriction to
  1. You can change the default from ‘Students must match the following’ (must be a part of this group) to ‘Students must not match the following’ (any other student but this group)
  1. Note that you can add multiple restrictions to one activity. Select ‘Add restriction’ and repeat these steps to add multiple. Once finished, select ‘Save and return to course’ or ‘Save and display’. You will now see your restriction highlighted under the assignment. Note that all participants in this course will be able to see this